Friday, March 26, 2010

Moulin Rouge Bachelorette

Results XXXI exposure

Exhibition XXXI
Main Results
Best male puppy
Giorgio von Strebel (Rosco's Torrace x Patora von Strebel)
Owner: Roberto Vargas
Breeder: Maximiliano Romero
Best Young Male
Igor vom Gotterhaus
(St. Paul von Olivio x Conga Torrace)
Owner: Roberto Vargas
Breeder: Carlos leave
Best Young Female
Gucci vom Gotterhaus
(St. Paul von Olivio x Fauna vom Gotterhaus)
Owner: Malaga Yorsi
Breeder: Carlos leave
Best Male Adult

Mac Bride (Chris von Brothaus x Feiz Mac Bride)
Owner: Roland Urban
Breeder: Alex Becerra
Best Female Adult
Fendi vom (von der Artos Saalequelle x Etza vom Gotterhaus)
Owner: Carlos Ramirez / Marisol Arbulu
Breeder: Carlos leave
KCP Points Winners
CAJCP Gandor of Igor vom Gotterhaus
CACP Max MacBride
Gila von der GOPPAR
CGCP Winners
Argus der vom Düsterkeit
Fendi Gotterhaus
Winners Club points
not meet the minimum number of 21 registered

What Type Of Metal Is Ipods

Communiqué Rottweiler Club Show Regulations 2010

be advised that we are publishing in the official media the exhibition rules of 2010 which has amended this year and was already reported in the catalog of Peruvian sieger 2009.

partners are advised, breeders, exhibitors and general public to the board members sanctioned leave Carlos Cardenas and Cesar Vivanco Ibañez for having contravened the rules and duties they are engaged with our partners.

Shaving White Head Spots On Labia


YEAR 2010 (Rev. 2.1)


• Very Cubs (3-6 months)
• Cubs (6-9 months) MANDATORY

• Youth (9 to 18 months)
• Intermediate (15 to 24 months)
• Open (over 15 months)
• Work (with proof of work approved by FCI)
• Champions (with title approved)
• Sieger (with approved Title )
• Veterans (8 over)

To determine the age, taking into consideration the time of day
set out the dog.

It should fill the registration form correctly, with complete data, copy
owner should consider the following when registering:

MIDDLE CLASS REGISTRATION: The Rottweiler Club starts
knowledge that a dog "business class can only choose the title of best young
exposure, you can not dispute the certificate of release to the Peruvian championship
(CACP), so it is emphasized that the speaker takes into account this rule
club because there will be no claim.
If you wish to dispute the CACP and be tempted best example of exposure must register
in open class or work (if you have duly approved this test.)
optional classes / competitions
To be enrolled in these classes, copies must also compete, on an individual
in one of the required classes. BREEDING GROUP
: a minimum of three and maximum of five copies
regardless of sex, bred by the same person (same kennel)
although that person does not own
progeny groups: a male or a female accompanied by a minimum of three and maximum five
his descendants (first generation, ie son or daughter) of
a minimum of 2 litters.

All dogs should be submitted, preferably with-link choke collar
in neutral and long leather strap, nylon or cotton at least 1.5 meters. The guides will
with sports clothing and are encouraged, also,
not use food in the show ring. This allowed two
change management and guidance. Callers must be outside the ring.

male was judged first and then the females.
• PUPPIES VERY, is judged, scored and ranked the Most Cubs.
• puppies, is judged, scored and ranked the puppies.
Ending the trial of these classes will proceed to choose between the winners
baby class and puppy, best puppy male and best female puppy
3. GRANT OF CERTIFICATES OF FITNESS (if the judge thinks appropriate
males are judged first and then the females.
• YOUTH, will be judged, scored and ranked youth. Young people with the excellent qualifying
CACJP and played on your reservation.
• OPEN AND WORK, will be judged, scored and ranked classes, open and
work. The winners (first super) of each class will play the CACP.
• Champions, will be judged, graded and ranked the class champions. The
champions with excellent qualifier played on CAGCP and its reservation.
• VETERANS, will be judged, scored and classified the veteran class. The
veterans with excellent qualifier played on CACVP and its reservation.
• BEST YOUNG EXPOSURE MALE: We played between the winners of
Youth and Intermediate classes Macho, if both reach the qualification Excellent. • BEST YOUNG FEMALE
to exposure: It is played between the winners of
Young and Middle class female, provided they both reach the qualification Excellent.
• BEST IN SHOW ADULT MALE: We played between the winners of
Open classes, work, cores and Sieger Champion will be awarded to the CACP
highest ranked non-champions of the categories.
• BEST IN SHOW ADULT FEMALE: We played between the winners of
Open classes, work, Champion Bitches and Siegerin, the CACP will be awarded to
highest ranked non-champions of the categories.
• BEST BREEDING GROUP: We played the award for best breeding group of exposure

• BEST PROGENY: We played the award for best progeny exposure

Thursday, March 11, 2010

2010 Yamaha Nytro Shimming The Clutch


the training course on March 12

With great sorrow we are obliged to suspend the first course of the year to carry out this type of courses enrolled minimum should be 20 people as the club invests this money to pay exhibitors, local air-conditioning for comfort, multimedia projector, handouts, certificates, refreshments, etc. ..

During this course was to provide guidelines that have planned the Rottweiler Club this year as evidence that must meet our dogs to have a better certification and supported by the KCP, this brings us out to know about training and was introduced to 2 courses (theoretical and practical) that came later on the topic and specific and, gentlemen, let us remember that we have service dogs, which at international level and must meet several tests (BH, AD, ZTP, etc. or similar).

The Club Rottweiler is complying with all its activities, partners and supporters unfortunately not involved in the same way with your breed club.
The Rottweiler Club will continue to work as scheduled and if you do not meet minimum quotas for events with the exception of the exhibitions they will be suspended and rescheduled.
People who canceled her registration, please please contact us for a refund of your money and already we thank you for the support and confidence in our club as it should be stressed that people who promptly canceled their registrations were not members and do not have copies of Rottweiler, that implied that the course was very interesting and open to all races. I do

remind partners to receive the benefits of buying food, breeder plan, discounts on courses and exhibitions must be current on their dues. Sincerely

Rottweiler Club of Peru