Hi buddies,
First of all, thank you all for your support to this blog and on However, for all the messages I received, thank you so much as questions about our reels, which we have gradually been solved.
This small study has a reason to be quite important I think, as many colleagues have asked me as she rides the spring handle to make it perfect, I guess you have to be many ways to mount personal mind but I think this way is a very effective and is perfectly.
In all its versions as we see in this picture of an oval body, and a modern model, the handle is the same.
In anodized bodies.
At all times the Asa had their small changes of modernity.
From the years 1959 - 1960 Asa birth of our reels have been evolving to for the reels, a trend which can be seen in their times, the first loop we recognize was the cone.
This handle is of the age of 60-70, all the reels from that era had the handle on cornet, the Salmon, Riufort, 68, Super Joint Asa and Asa, the termination of other side of the handle is round with a center screw that holds the bowl.
After the 70 adopted the round shape that we see in the picture until the end.
On the opposite side of where you caught the lever handle or support, we can see changes every time we have left the picture for a mod. Salmon with the ending like the head of a metal screw thread, this model will handle screwed into the cup the reel, the middle the ending is in round metal which is fastened to the bowl by a screw and Third and final completion is plastic oval with the same restraint with a screw passed through the center and subject to the connector.
With this brief look at the handles and have a little bit all the guys there.
Como podéis ver en la foto, en el lado donde va el muelle esta compuesto por el Leva o soporte de pick-up, que es la pieza que hace la acción de volver el Asa a su posición normal, sujeta por un tornillo especial, el cual hace la función de apretar y sujetar el Leva en la cup while leaving the cam loose so you can rotate up and down, a function that is performed by the spring.
Here's the parts removed, the cam or pick-up stand to the left, spring and screw, and the trigger right the pink-up in the form of C, the first step is demountable as we see in the picture, the most important of removing a Leva is more than the trigger, is the primary piece to easily pair the dock and did not cost us labor.
Once removed we can see where it goes in the dock, a small hole in the left side I was going hole is where one end of the pier.
as normal springs come in various sizes, depending on the model of reel, there are many who are for various models, if you look at the completion of the ends of the springs, you can see so they have out, one end goes in the hole we've seen in the photo above and the other end goes into the notch with the lever or handle bracket.
After entering the dock on the ledge that leads round the bowl ready for the spring, we can see the inside of the cup the end of the pier, That is the signal that is properly set, and on the other hand, the other end that is what will put in the notch of Cams.
see the indentation on the inner radius on the right side, not to do any kind of force or rotating the dock, simply put the notch in the tip of the spring and tighten the center screw with care we are not out of the notch tip, it's easier than it seems, enroscáis screw and going once you are moving a little tightening the cam up and down and the top one is placed in the notch.
Once central bolt is tightened, check that it has become perfect place, we take the cam and turn it back, seen in the photo at top right, the reaction must do to stay well is to turn forward, the reverse should be immediate and smooth, if not it can be that we tighten the center screw or the end of the pier is a notch out of the Cam.
After checking the placement of the cam and the spring that works well, we turn to the most important step of the handle assembly, we put the trigger handle, the C-shaped piece that goes with a screw inside the bowl, set the bracket notches Asa, has two one that is sitting on the photo shutter, and the other on the opposite side in form of V, when the shutter montéis must turn back the support, we note that we force the spring, that's what we want to be sitting flat notch on the trigger , that position is correct.
Salmon in the model is easy to remove the trigger lever, there is a model that maybe the trigger spring bother us to remove the trigger, so it is best to disassemble the spring as well.
mounted light trigger with the cam sitting in the position shown on the photo, we will consider, is mounted handle with a small Turkish Cam and ends on the job.
explain well and I hope all understand me, the issue is that the secret to mount the handle is to remove the shutter support, and to mount the bracket to rotate the cam forcing the spring to the right left sitting with the flat notch on the trigger.
Well colleagues and I hope you like it if someone has served much better, a greeting to all lau.
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