Hi buddies.
This summer has been very intense and exciting, starting with the meeting in Torreblanca Edo Rafa's house and ending with the visits I made to our teacher Mr. Manel.
is very difficult for me to explain all knowledge and wisdom I learned from Mr. Manel in the couple of visits I made, remember almost everything that might be reference to the reels Sagarra, an incredible memory .
Upon arrival at the factory, the son of Mr. Manel me to the small shop that is mounted inside the factory, the workshop Mr. Manel makes parts rupture of the machines that are working, is the leading maintenance of the factory, one of the things that left me standing is the assembly must have a factory of machines for the maintenance and development of tools or molds for make parts, in this case were manufactured motor shafts.
all know that the factory where they made the reels Sagarra was in Sitges, today is a car park, the poor condition of the factory for his years, forced to have no misfortune to throw her to the ground, so the amount Sagar family is in Vilanova i la Geltrú, in a village attached to Sitges.
Following the visit, Mr Manel taught me the machines they had in the old factory, machines that if they did Sagarra reels and still work.
This was in fact that to the axes, twang.
The grandmother of the machines, the oldest of the old factory, when they made the change makes most of the machines were moved to new factory, machines that still work today , as I said earlier I stood in the amount of machines that are needed to prepare the parts are mounted on production machines, not if I explain it, for a machine manufacturing a piece of metal one-piece they have designed have to make the parts that ride on production machines to make that part of the reel.
summary there are two types of machines to make what they design, which make the pieces and making tools such as drills, taps, molds designs etc. . For that to do so creates new production machines.
I hope to explain well, Mr. Manel I remarked many times that want to do something like a spool with all its parts, which is what they did at the factory Sagarra, made them all but the plastic and paint, everything else out of these machines that we see is very difficult and laborious, and to do all the molds and templates for the machines.
After a while walking around the factory looking at all the machines back to the corner of Mr. Manel where he has a thing for me .
Our friend Rafa gave me at the meeting in Torreblanca parts to assemble a Tarzan Classic, missing parts to mount Mr. Manel montármelo offered, and I had to go to the factory to see what would set me as if it was and the picture you see mounted coil failure I had, there is a piece that does not stick, but as stated by the Sr, Manel important thing is to do well for fishing, no matter the state outside of the reel that matters is the inside.
repasito Giving a place to work, could not miss details like this coil Sagarra Tarzan Night.
shelf in the details Sagarra how are you metal boxes of the Senior, used to twang, and we are looking for them like crazy.
take the issue of Senior and asked if the Senior Model 80 was manufactured in Asa, the response was quick only manufactured in Ina, all round body on both Senior and in oval are in Ina.
I commented that the boxes of the reels are very important for the collector and appreciate very much, I respond that they are unimportant but is great for putting lame.
When viewing the files I was stunned, Mr. Manel I have five Senior and all have the knob that gives worth seeing and used as a handle to the file, answer me do not worry I have a box full of doorknobs and the gift you want, how I stayed many use them for limes.
automatically tells me come and climb to an attic in the same factory.
I removed a box of knobs and tell me how many you need.
course with gold bolts and tube knob.
Back in his small workshop and I mounted gilt metal tubes that go inside the knob, you have to be very careful when mounting that by straining to be that good put on the knob can muss or grating.
If you look at the shirt of Mr. Manel you will realize that this soaked with sweat, more than it is summer and July is that the machines and ship Uralita were almost to 40 degrees.
Once finished setting up the knobs still teaching me all the secrets they have to make the reels.
Step by step was explaining how they arrived to make a simple piece of a reel Sagarra, drawers full of clothing for manufacture.
Accessories and parts made by it to make designs on the reels.
If something was true that was the pleasure and taste of Mr. Manel explaining step by step all the details , lives his job fully, I think if I were born again work the same.
perfection in this business is necessary to the micron.
Meters and testers of all kinds, check that out perfect parts, a micron or more and do not fit the sprockets are fitted, the fineness of the reels is very important.
Starting the new Sagarritas, my son will also Aitor item
After the visit to the machinery that produced the reels we take a little break and we were dripping with heat.
After a few minutes rest and a good drink of water, climbed to the attic that I wrote before where is all that remains of the old factory material Sagarrra, one of the first thing I taught Mr. Manel is one of his inventions to 80 Sport Line severed, and the most curious is that I ride a motor that to turn a cable as the speedometer, this cable has passed through the leg of the reel.
A study of Chinese, for the cable tube to drain the leg, from the support of the shank to the body.
summary goes round the reel including the handle, making the effect of this fish, a jewel.
A general view of what little remains of the factory Sagarra.
Mr. Manel starts opening drawers showing me what's left.
In its old wooden boxes brought from the old factory model knobs see Spor Line, all chalked boxes what they contain.
In another box we can see some coils and in particular a silver color, I see a coil of 2000 and take the opportunity to ask about this reel model.
- Mr. Manel 2000 was sold in stores.
- If I respond, but people did not understand, thought it was normal for fishing reel and a reel is not normal is for competition over a store were returned.
Latest factory handles.
More cells with coils
Some tests levers in gold.
I can guarantee though I do not notice in the pictures at the loft under the roof sheet metal was 40 degrees.
A wire lid curious because blue is rare to see them, I wonder how many colors were made, he responds in four, red, gray, green and blue, even to experiment in a rigid and transparent plastic in red, left a few on the street, broke.
a case of jars of all colors and models
A silver cap box, thinking that all we see is what Mr. Manel for fishing, are the parts that you use for your fishing reels.
A curious cap, he explains that all the rare pieces that we were doing tests to see the effect to the reel, if they liked him swiftly to the market.
As can be the model 80 Senior Silver, according to Mr. Manel never went on sale to the public, it was just a whim, I wanted to check a color film clear what effect has to be used and expended by the fish, if it was in bad shape and ugly at the same time wanted to see a new kind of painting they were doing.
Segue drawers teaching me, every time I opened a drawer, my heart was going a thousand, and that just being there for me was a dream, to imagine a more seeing more drawers parts in this box if there chicha as they say in my village.
As you can see in the picture by 46 foot S Blue porcelain grinding.
had some doubts about this model reel it was time to clarify, one of them is the hole in the spool on the body, the whistle of exposing the shaft, Mr. Manel told me that this model with the hole were the first reels were made in color, the shaft had a recess in the bottom which would put a cap of bronze, shortly after the new body mold was closed to avoid making the recess to the shaft and put the cap.
Another question I had was the color of the backstop had been made or not, radically not only did not answer me anti Mr. Manel.
Since painted, anodized, we gave them anonizacion treatment like the black but with colored liquid, and giving color aninizarlos.
became more Blue or Bordeaux, the same amount of blue Bordeaux.
One of the things I do not understand is what the wheel of china, so delicate that they are nothing but watch them broken, I answer Mr. Manel, one day my father saw the weaving machines fabric and seeing how well they ran the wire automatically thought why not put them on the reels, said and done went and bought grinding of porcelain, began to mount on the reels and the truth is going great, but of course knitting machines do not move and reels if that was the fault of the wheels a little bump and departure.
drawers continue to see in this are the tools to make the Super Wheel and reducing crown.
Another piece done by him, seems a bit, is to make the hole in the lid.
The tools for mounting and bearings do think that all these the tools needed to make Mr. Manel, and each model varies according to the reel, not going to the hardware store and bought a machine to make the covers of the body.
testing a roll of paper cone that was never manufactured, and are written about in our beloved Nostalgic page an article about them.
this design is quite interesting, as was the wheel and axle.
This is what's left of the reels, tortilla is that there is more.
Leads Sagarra made by himself and recorded the name Sagar.
This is all I have of the old factory Sagarra, to demolish the factory had to move all we could here, before we had two ships and everything was in the other ship, to make smaller factory had to go back to change everything.
In this picture if we can appreciate the warmth that we in the attic, and I were both dripping wet.
As I have often said, it's amazing memory that is head and Mr. Mane.
take this little break to ask questions I have.
- Mr. Manel color reels leg early S, as presented for sale.
- In a two-piece box made of cardboard cuarrugado brown, and one of the two pieces was the cover.
- Mr. Manel to anodized spools color varied greatly.
- If it varies a lot, every time you did an anodized with many parts out of a strong dye and a looser, depending on use, the liquid had anodizing, anodized once had to pick up and go comparing all the pieces that make up a reel, so they had the color as close as possible.
- And in the painted, I have seen many reels with different color.
- In painted the problem was the temperature, painted with warm, bathed in a temperature of about 18 to 22 degrees if the temperature was lower or higher the paint out stronger or more loose, and also concerned that it took longer to jump or less.
- Mr. Manel the Inas Sagarra were all metal or made of plastic.
- staring me and answer me, to have a reel on the shelf with plastic to catch it but it's only metal, plastic Inas never did all that we were mental.
Now we only have to see the documents Sagarra, we went to the office where he keeps all the documents of the reels, all plans, advertising, color patterns, etc.
A design plan of a small spool, designed for river.
As we can see is at the oval body.
What Mr. Manel design when the thing was already in decline.
All features, so if I'm sure would have been a machine.
Open another drawer where we found the pictures on the reels that were used for advertising, catalogs, etc..
A catalog of accessories, in this case the caps and colors that made them.
cliches that used to print the catalogs.
In these three we can see in the middle the Levant, the two sides of the Chinese Sagarra do not know if Mr. Manel you would like to tell you this, but I what I have to say, when these reels Chinese commissioned Mr. Manel was admitted to the hospital very badly, when released from the hospital after he found time entered the reels, at no time knew nothing of these reels, if any have ever known these reels there is a page that does not like talking.
continue looking while I asked him things.
- Mr. Manel 've always had a little doubt about the actual dates of the reels Alevin 2, Xanguet and Sporting.
- The alevin 2 was manufactured in the year 1962, remánese of AIMS is clear, in the year 1968 Xanguet and Sporting in 1972, was a request we asked for an entrepreneur in Portugal there and wanted to put Sporting, we had to make another mold Xanguet cap, that is the same as the Xanguet.
In these pictures we see the old models, the Super Ina and 46, with a presentation that had a coil and a deep cast their enduring thread.
More templates of different models of reels I think at this time was blown away, I could not believe I had in my hands the patterns of the photos I've seen many times.
this if you have years, having nothing else came an unmistakable smell of nostalgia.
The latest catalog of advertising they did, watching this catalog also presented leads me to ask a question that had interest in him.
- Mr. Manel 've always thought that with the reels so good is not open overseas market, and sold in other countries.
- I respond, thinking that in those transport is not like today, it was expensive to send the reels out of Spain, that left us out of money, we were expensive and in all countries had their reels manufacturers that could sell cheaper postage by not having to manufacture more than Sporting in Portugal as we tried with the Americans, we send Super Ina with his box, coil parts and oil , a marvel.
- I ask and what happened.
- I see tells me laughing, the answer of the Americans was, we would want 100,000 units of Oil cruets.
- I was surprised and I said, they did.
- do you want me to send him 100,000 oil.
These patterns tell me that fish also printed out some ads Sagarra, but I do not I've seen yet.
After an intense day as best we could do is go on a cold beer, and there was no more perfect than in the bar of former employees of the factory Sagarra Don. Juan Lagos, cousin of our beloved colleague J. Luis Lagos.
In this picture we three and a good beer, this little encounter with John was conducive to remember Mr. Manel little stories that happened in the factory Sagarra, as when Mr. Isidro wine of Mauritania with the giant sea bass, explains Mr. Manel who was bundled in sacks ice but the ice was water and when I get to Barcelona and about to rot by the heat pipe running to catch the fish and go to a house in Barcelona for dissected, the owner of the house for him the favor of running catch and dissect the basses he dissected a dolphin connection I had in the shop and was gutted by the way, Mr. Manel puts his hands on his head recalling the episode of Mr. Isidro, commenting that bribe god tube and his mother to take the basses of Mauritania.
good partner if it was and so I told you, I hope you like.
A greeting to all lau
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