Friday, April 29, 2011

Pokemon Crystal Online Speeded

human rights

United States accountable

Thus - Hell, yes! - said the former U.S. President George W. Bush director of the CIA when he asked permission to use "enhanced interrogation techniques" with a detainee who later was submitted 183 times to one of these techniques: "water-boarding" , a form of torture is to make the detainee feel who is drowning.

Bush has unabashedly acknowledged in his memoirs and on television that he personally authorized this and other techniques of torture in various detention centers, including Guantanamo .

Shortly after taking office as President in 2009, Barack Obama pledged to close Guantanamo and to end torture by U.S. personnel. However, Guantanamo is still open and torture committed during the Bush administration go unpunished.

Torture is absolutely prohibited by international law and U.S. laws. Sign now for the Obama administration to honor its promise and bring those responsible to justice. The victims and their families are entitled to know the truth and obtain justice and reparation.

Thank you for your support.

Esteban Beltran Director Amnesty International - English Section

Click on the link, Video:


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