PASTENA ( Mirror pp. 636-7)
I. - Thomas
Pastene and Esmeralda, residents of Genoa on Collación of Our Lady of Grace (Note).
Children: Miguel Pastene
1 .- 2 .- Pedro
3 .- Juan Bautista
, still
4 .- Bartolomea those and this one, the heir of a will to grant Juan Bautista Pastene in Lima, 16-II-1546.
II .- Juan Bautista Pastene , n in Genoa, 1507, came to India, 1525-26, carrying a relief to Pedro de Valdivia to begin the conquest of Chile, 1543, lieutenant captain of the said Governor, 10 -VIII-1544, operator of the Chilean coast through grade 41, which took office; encomendero Taguatagua, 11-VII-1546, lieutenant general of the sea, 1-VIII-1549; encomendero Pica, 4-X -1550; neighbor founder of Concepción, 1550, Mayor of Santiago, 1564; alderman, 1548, 51, 53, 57, 62, 73; cm Santiago before 1549 with Geneva
Seixas, n. in La Palma, Canary Islands, fda. bdt Juan Hurtado, Stgo., 20-VII-1576, daughter of Jordan Seixas and Marina Ruiz de Estrada. (note) died
bdt Nicolas Garnica, Stgo., 30-VIII-1576. (Note) 1 .- Thomas Pastene , which follows the main line below. 2 .- Juan, n. 1549, Franciscan friar, guardian of the convent of
3 .- Pedro Valdivia, which follows the line of La Serena
4 .- Francisco, which remains in line 5 .- Maria Santiago, n. Stgo., Cm there with Diego Sanchez Morales, n. La Serena, son of Diego Sanchez Morales and Ines de Leon y Carvajal (see Morales)
III .- Thomas Pastene
, n. Santiago, 1547, succeeded his father parcels and encomendero Pomaire and Malloa, 1593, lieutenant of Santiago, 1575, Mayor, 1580, 87, 93, alderman, 1584, Mayor of brotherhood, 1597; cm before 1575 with Agustina de Lantadilla
born in velor, La Rioja, fda. bdt Juan Rosa Narvaez, Stgo., 11-X-1611, son of Francis and Maria Astudillo Lantadilla. Bdt died
Ginés de Toro, Stgo., 14-IX-1601. Children: 1 .- Juan Pastene, n. Stgo., A graduate in theology, priest, priest of the tabernacle, canon precentor and treasurer and the Cathedral. Died Stgo, 20-V-1650. 2 .-
Mary, b. Stgo., 24-VIII-1579; cm there, 15-IX-1603 with
Francisco Rodríguez del Manzano, the son of Serum Rodríguez del Manzano Alonso and Ines de Ovalle (see Ovalle).
died Stgo., 8-III-1643 before the notary notarized bdt Fernando Palacios, cs (there is abundant information on the lines of La Serena, Santiago., And Quillota concerning surnames Pastene, but not transcribe, because there ancestors of mine among them.)
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