Sunday, July 11, 2010

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Alfredo Valenzuela Puelma box, called the pearl the merchant, which is in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile, copied from Wikipedia

Text copied Gormaz Guillermo de la Cuadra, Chilean family
Mujica, volume II, and data file
Family Search Edwards and data provided by my mother and other sources)

I. - Don José Fernández Fernández Puelma and Arroyo, Avilés, province of Oviedo, Asturias, legitimate and Rosa Fernández Arroyo Tadeo. In Chile in the late eighteenth century. Testa with Luque 1802, widower of Mrs. Monica Diaz Borda, said in his name, (the book on the Block) who had left four children, namely: 1 .-
Mercedes, Manuel Vicente cc de la Maza Bracho, based in Buenos Aires.
2 .- Juana, cc Achurra Francisco Ugalde

3 .- 4 .- Juan Nieves, who is

Puelma II .- Juan Fernández Díaz Muñoz gives provisions before 1833, children born in two marriages celebrated Dona Maria del Pilar Macaya and Mujica and Maria del Carmen Orellana Macaya, who was the niece of the former.
The first were: 1 .- Manuel
? Macaya Puelma • • • • Vicente

2 .- 3 .- 4 .- Matilde

second Puelma
5 .- Rosa Orellana

6 .- 7 .- Martina Ignacia, wife of Don Santiago Serrano
8 .- Mercedes, which was Don Patricio Cueto
9 .- Sunday, Dona Martina Achurra husband, parents;
a. - Sunday Puelma Achurra, along with the Baez
b. - Martina, Don Guillermo Porton
c. - Conception, the Schroeders d.
- Juana, Don Juan Pablo Urzua, cs Puelma
10 .- Ramón Orellana, who celebrated Besa married Dona Adelina Navarro, parents of: a.
- Ramon Besa Puelma
b. - Carlos
c. - Pius Besa Puelma Pius Puelma
11 .- 12 .- Juan Orellana
Puelma Orellana, who married Amalia Castro Cienfuegos (of John and Jesus)
a. - Juan Castro
Puelma b. - c.
Ana Luisa - Sofia
d Herminia
.- e. - Ester, Don Antonio Barahona cc Calvo, Parents: aa .- Lucia Barahona
bb .- Ines, wife of Don Felix Gronhert
cc .- María, Felipe Urzua Soupper
cc dd .- Jorge Barahona Puelma, Urzua ccAlicia Soupper
f. - Puelma Amalia Castro Soupper wife of Don Roberto Guzman, parents: Mary Soupper
Puelma aa .- .- bb
Berta, wife of Felipe Urzua .- Rebecca Astaburuaga
Soupper Puelma cc, cc Don José María 13 .- Rafael Videla
Puelma Orella that was spouse of Dona Maria Teresa (or Maria Antonia) Arístegui and Arostegui, parents of: a.
- Rafael Puelma Aristegui, cc Dona Delia Moreno de la Cuadra, who gave birth to:
Puelma aa .- Rafael Moreno, married in Spain Dona Maria Josefa Palavicino de Lara, daughter of the Marquise de Mirasol
Puelma bb .- Osvaldo Moreno, linked to
cc .- Enrique Prieto, Dona Sofia Piwonka Jilaberto
Puelma dd .- Delia Moreno, Arturo Téllez Ossa , aaa .-
parents? Alejandro Ossa Puelma, Carmen Vadillo Mandiola cc, cs .- Nena Ossa
Puelma bbb?
Puelma ee .- Jorge Moreno, n. Chillán the 31-V-1896. He studied at the Colegio San Luis de Limache. In 1915 he was Commercial Attaché at the Consulate of Chile in Buenos Aires while the agency inspector Insurance Company "The American." Exploded after the farm "Escutcheon" located in Rengo, 150 blocks scattered and 300 dairy cows. After the contractor was FF. CC. State. He married Ana de la Barra and (DBCH.) are parents of: aaa .- Rafael Puelma
Bar Isidora

bbb ccc .- .- .- ff
Jaime Moreno Ana Puelma

b. - Mercedes Antonia Puelma c.
Aristegui - Maria Luisa
d. - Maria Teresa
e. - Luis Felipe Puelma Aristegui, cc Ana Nugent Mac Sorley, parents:
Puelma aa .- Laura Nugent, Luis Edwards Sutil cc .- Luisa
bb, cc Marcial Edwards
cc .- Luis Sutil, who was Dona Ana Aguirre (daughter of Admiral)
dd .- Anna, who married 1  with Oscar? Zañartu Budge and 2  to Don Herbert Muller
Mohrmann ee .- Ines cc Ricardo Pérez López Puelma
ff .- Guillermo Nugent, Dona Elena Torres
Maillard gg .- María Isabel Puelma Nugent, Renato Schroeders Sarratea bound. F.
- Hernán Puelma Aristegui, husband of Mrs. Dora Francino Parents: Dora Puelma
Francino aa .-, cc Naveda Luis Fuenzalida Bravo
bb .- Hernán Puelma Francino
dd cc .- .- Roberto Carlos

g .- Juan Francisco Puelma Aristegui, who with his cousin, Dona Sofia Puelma Castro, I leave;
.- aa bb Adriana Puelma Puelma
.- Maria Teresa

ee cc .- Sofia .- Eduardo Melo cc María Claro, and procreated:
aaa .- The Fr. Alfonso Claro Puelma (DbdeCH undec. Edic.) Priest born in Sto 10-III-1914, parents Edward and Mary. Studies College of San Ignacio, Architecture at UC Ch, received Gutiérrez

I. - Doña Tomasa Bahamonde Viera, daughter of Eusebio and Ninfa, residents of Renca, testa (Araos, 1835) with five children of Don Pedro Antonio Puelma, who do not know whether it came from previous family or was from Spain. They were: 1 .- José Puelma
Bahamondes, ancestor of the Puelma González, Puelma Rodriguez Valenzuela Puelma Puelma
2 .- Manuel Bahamondes? • • • 3 .-
Puelma Bahamondes Maria Manuela

4 .- 5 .- Francis, husband of Dona Mercedes Castillo, and test to Scale in 1863, which calls happen to twelve children Puelma Castillo, who called:
a. - Concepción Castillo
Puelma b. - c.
Carolina Castillo Puelma - Samuel, Zechariah ccMaría Martínez Rodríguez, (on file with Edwards is a Puelma Amelia Rodriguez, married to Carlos Reyes Echaurren, if not the daughter of this marriage) d.
- Marina, coupled with where
aa. Garcés-Garcés Puelma Marina, mother of e.
Garcés Joaquín Díaz - Mercedes Castillo
Puelma f. - Ramon, cc Dona Teresa Gómez López, parents:
Puelma aa .- Santiago Lopez, Partner firm's main Besa y Cia Ltda. Born in Santiago on 20-XI-1880. He studied humanities at the National Institute immediately dedicating its activities to the industry. He has owned a factory chamois leather and a soap factory. He was a member of Kiss, as was said to be devoted to the category of Dodge cars and acsesorios in general. (DBCH. 1936)
g. - Lucia Castillo Puelma
h. - i.
Emilia -
Rita j. - Salome Puelma Castillo, wife of Don Eleodoro Vergara Cruz, parents. Aa .-
Puelma Rosa Vergara, Antonio Robinson cc Gaete? K.
- Puelma Federico Castillo, linked to Bilbao Beauchemin, parents of
aa .- Hortensia Puelma Beauchemin, wife of Don Manuel Novoa de la Cuadra, parents
Puelma aaa .- Federico Novoa, together with the bbb
Gebauer Avaria .- Fernando Barros Sotta
the ccc .- Ines, the Prats Gonzalez
Puelma ddd .- Laura Novoa, Infante Vargas
the l. - Second Puelma Francisco Castillo, Elisa Dona cc Tupper Zegers, from here:
aa .- Francisco Puelma Tupper, which is claiming lands in La Frontera. René says Don Peri in his "History of the Settlement in Chile," p. 163-4: "These areas (which were added to the territory in the area had its own Puelma after award of HBM) were Puelma claimed by Don Francisco, who argued that their qualifications limited to Argentina. But it was clear that the land be incorporated tax passed. Well understood by the Government, which ordered the eviction of such land already occupied by Puelma, so to meet on repatriation agreement signed with Argentina and Chile who had been placed on land ceded to that republic ....... Tupper Puelma
got into lease the land north of the colonized in the valley of Lonquimay, for a period of 30 years. After that time acquired the status of owner and divided their land into five gut: Rahue Chilpato, Ranquil, Lole y Vilacura, of 28,000, 18,000, 37,000, 46,000 and 60,000 hectares respectively. And so for nearly half a century, exploded their belongings devoted to farming in harmony with their tenants.
southern property law legalized the situation of Puelma, but also gave property rights to the first who came with him and his descendants, as stipulated that any occupant of public land from before 1881 he would become its owner.
The Ministry of Lands and Settlement provided that the Puelma 4.000hectareas had to give each of their five gut, but they gave the 37,000 hectares of farm Ranquil and reserved the rest of the land. "
Senator 1891-1894, party
radical C. c.doña Sara Navarro Viola, Argentina, cs that was linked to the Yungas, where,
aaa .- Emma Puelma Yunge, Rodrigo Donoso Gaete
cc bbb .- Guillermo was born in Santiago on September 20, 1851, son Francisco Segundo Castillo and Elisa Puelma Tupper Zegers. Married to Sara Navarro Viola.
His studies were conducted at the Instituto Nacional. Medicine at the University of Chile in 1872. University of Heidelberg. Magburg University, with further training in physiology. He graduated in medicine and served on the smallpox epidemic of Santiago in 1872, being honored by this.
It also served as a Journalist, Writer, Director of the Liceo Manuel de Salas, Director of the Abraham Lincoln School in 1878, Professor Franklin and Professor School Special Histology at the University of Chile, August 19, 1881.
In 1876 he traveled to Europe in order to continue their studies. He was in Germany, France and Spain until 1878. He returned in 1879 and founded the Asylum for Disabled Pacific War.
proposed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the Industrial Development Society and was secretary of her years. In 1881 was devoted to political journalism and wrote and directed the newspaper La Epoca "until 1884. Also worked in the newspaper "Freedom Election."
In 1888 he traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the purpose of building the railway from Chile to Argentina, through the valley of Copiapo. Founded in Buenos Aires
the scientific journal "The Economist Argentino" and collaborated with the newspaper "El Nacional" of Buenos Aires. Parral
Deputy for the period from 1882 to 1885, he joined the Education and Welfare Committee and as a replacement, the Police Commission Interior. Gentleman from San Carlos for the period from 1885 to 1888. Appointed the Committee for Finance and Industry. In 1891 he was critical of the government of Balmaceda (Civil War, 1891).
Militant Radical Party.
published in 1895 in Viña del Mar's book of verse titled Fragments of a Poem. He died in Viña del Mar, on April 26, 1895. Alfredo .-
ccc ddd Puelma Tupper
.- Manuel? Tupper Puelma
eee .- Elisa, c. October 10, 1879 c. Manuel Barros Borgoño n. Santiago 1852, + March 14, 1903, Medical, campaigning as a medic in the Pacific War, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, Rector of the University of Chile. Fff .- Adelaide Puelma
Tupper, wife of Mr. George Bussey
ggg .- Teresa, Don Juan Antonio Orrego Gonzalez (son of Marcos Orrego Garmendia, b. a day in Valpo. In 23-X-1821, deputy for Valparaíso in 1871-1879, Rafaela Gozalez Ibieta cc) cs Puelma Orrego, Orrego Matte, Altamirano Orrego. Hh .- Rosa Puelma
Tupper, Don Enrique Rodriguez Cerda, (son of Francisco de Paula Rodríguez Velasco and Eyzaguirre Rudecinda de la Cerda) parents of:
.- aaa bbb
Puelma Elena Rodríguez Enrique .-
ccc .- Carlos Rodríguez Puelma

In Fam Fund. p. 140 leaves Santa María Marta Figueroa, n. for 1889-90 in Quillota, married twenty-three years in the same city Puelma Sergio Fernandez Vial, 22-IV-1915, cs

In D. Biog. Chile's eleventh edition says:
Puelma Bunster, Luis Max .- Manager, was born in Stgo. 12-VIII-1924 Parents: Luis and Lily, Humanities and Engineering inst studies at Catholic University from 42 to 43 performed at the Banco de Chile, dept. Commissions and trust. Since 1943, Davis Auto Ltd., taking charge in 1944 of the suction. of this signature on Valpo., until 1951 when he was appointed head of the dept Cars and Customs in Stgo. Liberal party member. Victor

Puelma Cruchaga, son of Alfred and Esther n. 10/02/1908 Stgo, med. Surgeon (DBCH 11edic.)
Puelma Marcos Fernández n. 10/07/1882 Stgo cc Gertrude Salinas Miranda journalist, writer and poet Fernando Orrego Puelma cc
Filomena Gonzalez Salas. Luz Maria Gonzalez
Puelma cc Juan Valenzuela Jiménez

Puelma Matilde Pacheco (DBCH)
Elisa Donovan Hugo Puelma Cruchaga Entrala
cc Adolfo León A Puelma Edmundo Correa, died in Temuco 1979 (died in Temuco)

page 501 FF. T.3 Puelma by Juan Luis Puema
1850 cc Elena Silva Diego Santelices
Counter Silva Gana n. Stgo c. c. 1859 there Well Puelma Delfina (FFT3)

On page 156, cites the Aldunate Puelma

There is a page that tells the situation of children who remain in the care of an uncle, whose plight, gave way to a foundation caridad.La apelliodos matching is plentiful. May be the same
see / puelma.pdf - Similar

In my branch, which I have ascertained so far.
I. - Puelma Raimundo Guerrero, Antonia cc Elgueta Latorre (Edwards in the file, a set of annotations, which is found in Chilean society genealogy, there is a sig. Data Guerrero surname in Transit Puelma Manuel Guerrero cc. This is the only case in which a Puelma joins a Warrior, I have found. Transito Guerrero, Guillermo de la Cuadra quoted in his name, but says if she is married. Everything makes me think they are the father of Raymond Puelma Guerrero. If so enter multiple lineages studied so far as Gayon de Celis, Prado, de la Sotta, Covarrubias, Lisperguer, Montero, Jaraquemada, del Aguila, Alvarez de Solórzano, Ortes de Velasco, Gómez de Silva, etc. 09/12/2010

Now, I have more background encotraba confirm what I stated before:

Puelma Raymond, married to Antonia Elgueta June 30, 1855 San Isidro, Santiago de Chile. Son of Manuel Guerrero Puelma and Traffic. Names of the bride's parents Joseph (Joseph family says search) and Tower
Rosa's parents. 1 .- Raymond

Puelma Elgueta, still in II
Puelma 2 .- Maria Luisa Elgueta, married to Carlos Palacios Riveros cs which is in the name Palacios
3 .- Cuevas's grandmother? cc Maturana Pedro Cuevas, parents of: a.
- Pedro Cuevas Puelma, farmer, Margaret cc Baquedano, parents, Pedro Cuevas
Baquedano aa .- .- Ulysses

bb b. - Patricio Cuevas Puelma, second cousin, a farmer , Agnes Neumann
cc aa cc .- Neumann Luisa Cuevas Patricio Concha Balboa, who died in Santiago, buried Victoria
bb .- Fernando Cuevas Neumann
cc cc .- Loreto Correa?
dd cc .- Carola Neumann Jorge Cuevas San Martín.con Fear succession
c. - Alicia Cuevas Puelma? Carlos Herrera Cc Botarro, farmer

II .- Raymond Puelma Elgueta, born in Santiago, baptized 15 - XI-1857, he studied at the Seminary of Valparaiso and taking two years of Medicine. Exploded founded "The Rain", located in the apartment. Victoria, 2,500 hectares, devoted to raising cattle and sheep, wheat, oats, timber produced in our own sawmills. He was mayor of Victoria and accounted for install drinking water in the city (DB de Chile year 1936). Married Eugenia Diaz Parents:
1 .- Raymond, who is

III .- Puelma Raimundo Diaz, Maria Cristina cc Vicuña, parents of: 1 .- Raymond Puelma
Vicuña, still
2 .- Maria Eugenia, the Ovalle Correa Elias cc 30-VI-1963, the church of the French, Santiago.
3 .- María Cristina, Enrique Ovalle Barros cc (son of Henry and Matilda Castillo Ovalle Barros)

Raymond IV .- Puelma Vicuña, a farmer, n. 30/05/1925 in Stgo, cc Terpelle Adriana Saenz, (daughter of Christopher Cerda and Olga Sáenz Terpelle P., P. De Bernabe granddaughter and Dorila Saenz Cerda)
were parents of: a.
- Raimundo Saenz Puelma
b. - Alvaro Maximus, lawyer


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