Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cover Letter Template For A Tanning Salon


WHEEL (Espejo pp. 297-8)

I. - Bachelor

Pedro Cortés, auditor of the board of Emperor Charles V and the supreme of the Inquisition, whose marriage to Mary
, born in Vergara, Guipúzcoa. For more details see page Pedro Cortes
Children: 1 .- Hernando Cortes, inquisitor of Toledo and Cuenca 2 .- Dr. Zarauz, religious of Comp. Jesus, the first Provincial of Castile and confessor of Philip II. 3 .- Leonardo

, still
4 .- Elizabeth nun of San Antonio el Real in Segovia
5 .- Pedro, regent of perpetual Segovia.
II .-
Leonardo Cortés, n. in Valladolid, come to Peru with the viceroy Blasco Núñez Vela, going to battle under the banner Jaquijaguana real, to Chile in strengthening the soldiers of Captain Esteban de Sosa, 1548, at the Battle of Andalién, 1550, founder of Design , Valdivia and the Imperial and its ruler since 1551, mayor 1555, mayor of Valdivia, 1563, Villarica, 1567, in The Imperial, 1575, to the conquest of the province of the Lake, with Mr. Garcia in the battles of Bio Bio, Cañete Millarapue and population and reconstruction of Fort Tucapel; Appointed mayor of Valdivia governor Pedro de Villagra, 22-XI-1564, receiving 5-I-1565, is putting in March and April, conociéndosele various performances. Corregidor Villarica 9-V-1571. Paid service information 1577, going to Peru, where calls castellany of the fortress of Cuzco, in perpetuity for themselves and their descendants, the bailiwick of the city increased to 4,000 dollars of income in the deposit box from the distributions of Jauja Guarochiri and Andaguailas; to court in 1579, going first to command one of three ships dispatched by the Viceroy Francisco de Toledo in pursuit of Drake, for RRCC given in Badajoz, 8-VI-1581 King recommended to the Governor Chile to honor him and rewarded according to its quality and merit. Back in the great expedition of Diego Flórez Valdes and Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa to the population of the Strait of Magellan, Cádiz, XII-1581, the Admiral Valdes Flórez entrusted command of the ship Mary of San Vicente, sorprendiéndolela death in Rio de Janeiro, 1582, and was buried there, carrying the coffin on their shoulders four generals: Flórez de Valdés, Salvador Correa de Saa, governor of Rio de Janeiro, Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, governor of Magellan and Alonso de Sotomayor, the governor of Chile, "with their arms around and pulling flags and the sound of fifes (y) drums of tune."
Their request of The Imperial was reduced to 200 Indians, having aumentársele under royal charter to 1,052 homes, which had granted it when Pedro de Valdivia.
married into the Imperial
Rueda María de León and , daughter of Francisco de León, n. in Oviedo, Asturias fdo. on the English island, travel to Chile and his wife Agnes de Rueda, n. in La Serena, Extremadura, maternal granddaughter of Alvaro de Rueda, a knight of Santiago, lord of the wheel house in the Mountains (note) Children:
1 .- Leonardo Cortés, priest.
2 .- Pedro Cortes de León 3 .- Beatriz, n. at The Imperial, cm there with Pedro de Escobar, son of Pedro de Escobar and Maria Gamboa Ibacache. 4 .- Ines , n. The Imperial, cm there with Luis Ponce de León, n. at The Imperial, 1556, mayor of Castro, 1583; neighbor Osorno, 1585; encomendero of The Imperial, 1593, son of Francisco Ponce de Leon, notorious gentleman, n. Seville, 1515, came to Chile in the discovery expedition of Almagro, 1536, assistant to the famous battle of Las Salinas, with his head, 1538 and Chunchos campaign, with Pedro de Candia, and then to conquer Chile to Pedro de Valdivia, 1540. Neighbor founder of The Imperial, 1551, fdo. after 1565 and Isabel de Rivera.
Sons (Guarda, One City, p. 218): 1 .-
Constance Vásquez de la Calzada ccJuan
2 .- Lorenza Ponce de León, cc Andres Mendoza and Cuevas
3 .-
Isabel Ponce de León
, cc
Francisco Pacheco
Varas. (See Varas).
5 .- Mary, n. at The Imperial, captive of the Indians in the general uprising of 1599 and rescued in 1606; cm first with Juan Lazaro Plasencia, n. in 1515, encomendero of Villarica, 1562, c. second marriage to Juan Alvarez de Luna, n. in 1528, came to New Spain, 1548, then to Peru, where he acted against Hernández Girón and then to Chile, 1555, own ship, assistant to the wars of Arauco with Hurtado de Mendoza, 1557 and the discovery of Chiloé. Regidor Villarica, 1560, mayor of La Serena, 1568, and Imperial, 1577, Mayor of Angol, 1599, when the uprising. With offspring from his first marriage. 6 .- Jeronima (natural and mixed) cm The Imperial, with Anthony Hidalgo, n. in 1512, came to Chile in Valdivia, 1540, a resident of the Imperial from 1560, cs


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