fotgrafía (Espejo pp. 334-7)
I. -
Elguea Pedro Ortiz and Catherine
Asilu Miguel, his wife, Elguea locals in Álava, fallecidoa before 1646.
Children: 1 .- Elguea Francisco Ortiz, who remains in II 2 .- Elguea Miguel Ortiz, who remains in IIa 3 .- Fulano Elguea Ortiz, graced by his brother Francisco, with a bequest, 1654 . 4 .-
Martin, who remains in II-b (note)
II.-Elguea Francisco Ortiz, n. in Elguea, resident in Chile; captain, 1628; owned houses in the main plaza of San Saturnino, Santiago; ccm Rutala Diego, Santiago, 5-IX-1628 with Mariana de Cáceres, n. there, endowed by his mother with major houses in Santiago and half Longopila's farm and residence of La Angostura, Paine, daughter of Juan de Ahumada Gavilan n. Stgo., Heir to the house of his father, fdo. bdt Diego Rutala, Stgo. ,2-VII-1620 and Juana Rubio, n. Santiago, fda. bdt Pedro Vélez, Santiago, 8-I-1653, paternal granddaughter of Juan Pérez de Gavilan, born in Santa Cruz de Mudela, Toledo, resident in Santiago, where they had their houses on the street in front of the Augustinian Santa Lucia Hill, fdo. bdt Ginés de Toro, Stgo., 14-II-1598 and Lucia de Leon, n. in Santiago, fda. bdt Gines de Toro, 23-V-1601; nm Francisco Rubio de Alfaro and Catherine de Caceres, bpp Alonso Hernández del Moral and Mary Hawk, bpm Francisco de Leon (son of Pedro de Leon and Maria Fernandez) n. Alcázar de Consuegra, 1513, come to the Indies, 1535, assistant to the issue of Chunchos and conquering Chile to Pedro de Valdivia, 1540, celebrated in the chronicles of his time for having played a snake, at gunpoint, with other soldiers to eat is Santiago encomendero and Concepción; fdo. after 1565 and buried in the church of San Francisco, Santiago, and his wife Maria López de Ahumada, a resident of Santa Cruz de Calatrava, Toledo, BMM of Diego Garcia de Caceres. Bdt died
Pedro Vélez, Santiago, 5-IX-1654 and was buried in the chapel of Solitude, the church of San Francisco. Children: 1 .- Catalina Elguea, n. Stgo., Cmallí with Iturgoyen Ignacio de la Carrera. Jerome died Ugas bdt, Santiago, 20-IX-1677, awarded by her husband to Joseph Morales, 30-VII-1678 and sepultóse in the chapel of Christ of the Church of San Francisco, cs
natural Son:
2. - Diego de Elguea, n. Santiago, (been in Juana López de Castro) cm 1 Lorenza Fernandez, cm 2 to Agustina de Amézqueta. Manuel died bdt Cabezón, Santiago, 26-X-1694 and was buried in the chapel of the church Aranzazu San Francisco, cs
IIa Elguea .- Miguel Ortiz, n. Elguea, resident in Chile, captain Juan Ugarte ccm, Santiago, 7-XII-1632, with Juan Chacón, n. there, fda. bdt Juan Agurto, 29-IV-1674, daughter of Antonio Chacón, n. La Serena and Constance de Quiroga, n. at The Imperial. Bdt died
Fernando Palacios, Santiago, 15-VIII-1644, awarded by his widow to Pedro Velez, 27-VI-1646 and was buried in the chapel of la Soledad, San Francisco church.
1 .- Juan de Elguea, n. Stgo., Fdo. before his mother. 2 .- Ursula
Elguea, n. Stgo., Clarisse. 3 .- Juana
, n. Stgo., Cm Luis Sáenz de Mena, cs
4 .- Mary, n. Stgo., Cm Gaspar de la Barrera
Natural Child:
5 .- Miguel, n. Stgo. 1631
6 .- Maria (given in Constanza Escobar), cm Jorge Pino, n. in Cascais, Portugal.
7 .- Josefa (given in Ursula Maturana) Guzman Jorge Bahamondes cc.
IIb .- Martin Elguea
, n. in Osalta, three miles from Vitoria, Alava cm
Maria Perez de Yduya
IIIb .- Elguea Pedro Ortiz, n. Osalta, resident in Santiago, along with their relatives; cm there Cathedral, 19-VII-1651, with
Elvira Neira, n. Santiago, owner of the residence of Libun, fda. bdt Sunday Oteiza, Stgo., 22-X-1704, daughter of Andrés García de Neira, born in Valdivia, 1598, blessed with land in the Maule, 1633, sheriff of that party, 1638-40, owner of the residence of San Libun Nicholas and Joan of Loyola, encomendera of Huenchullamí, fda. bdt Juan Agurto, Stgo., 30-I-1668, np Andrés García de Neira, n. Spain, 1580, a soldier in the war of Arauco, encomendero Valdivia, and Elvira de Valdivia; nm Luis Nunez de Silva, n. Stgo., Captain, currently residing in the Maule, owner of the residence of Huenchullami, fdo. before 1663 and Ana Maria de Loyola, n. Lima, married 1609; bpp Neira Garcia Simon, Martin bpm Irizar, n. Spain, 1519, assistant to the civil wars of Peru and Guarina battle in which he was taken prisoner, came to Chile 1548, leader of Tucapel; encomendero de Valdivia and his wife Maria de Valdivia, bmp Antonio Nunez Fonseca, n. Portugal, came to Chile, 1543, Mayor of Santiago Mines, 1550; author of the Mining Ordinance, the owner of the residence of Concón, which established a shipyard, Jerome bdt fdo Venegas, Stgo., 28-IV-1596 and John de Silva (daughter of Amador de Silva, came to Chile before 1549, owns a Stgo solar., 1562), born in Santiago. B. Sedano Jerome mm Arevalo, n Spain, hidalgo notorious and Maria de Loyola, n. Lima, 1590, fda. bdt Diego Rutala, Santiago, 9-II-1609.
Children: 1 .- Peter Elguea, b. Stgo., 27-VIII-1654; cm Parraguez Joseph Pinto, n. Rauquén. Rauquén died, 28-X-1720, cs 2 .- Lorenzo, b. Santiago, 27-XII-1654, a Franciscan, gave up their goods at Pedro Vélez, Stgo., 2 - IX-1670. 3 .- Andres Neira, Franciscan, gave up his property to John Agurto, Stgo., 21-VIII-1672, in his sisters Elizabeth and Elvira. 4 .- José Tomás Franciscan
5 .- 6 .- Isabel de Mendoza, n. Stgo., Cm there with Enrique Verdugo. Bdt died José Morales, ebno., Stgo., 21-II-1680, awarded by his mother to Francisco Velez, Stgo., 3-I-1682, and buried in the church of San Francisco, cs
7 .- Juana
Loyola Mary, b. Stgo., 2-XI-1661, there cm, 14-IX-1681, previous marriage to John Agurto Stgo., 6-IX-1681, with
Henríquez Juan de León, son of José de León and Maria de Buis. (See Leo Henriquez)
8 .- Elvira de Valdivia, n. Stgo., Owner of major houses in this city, along with Ana Cajal, and stay Rauquén; ccm José Morales, Santiago, 17-I-1688, with Juan Donoso Strang, n. Maule, captain, ruler of Santiago, 1695; fdo. Chillán, 1701, son of Simon Strang Donoso, n. in Santiago, captain Peredo graced by the governor to land in the Maule, dated title Concepcion, 31-III-1663, for his services in the great uprising of 1655 and the owner of Puncuyquen, ruler of Concepcion, 1662 and his wife Elvira Manrique de Aguilar, n. Concepcion and married there, 1665. Elvira de Valdivia died before her husband, who married his second wife, Rosa Pinto Elguea and Parraguez. Cs natural Son 9 .- Elguea Francisco, n. Stgo., Ccm to Francisco Velez, esbno., Santiago, 17-II-1683 Maria Moreno Romero. Joseph died bdt Henestrosa, Stgo., 2-XII-1713, cs
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