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copying text Founding Families, Volume I, see bibbliografía competence in the first inning.
I. - Hernán García de la Rua, CC García del Ricón Mencia, parents:
II .-
García de la Rua, cc
Leonor Ramirez, residents of Talavera de la Reina, parents:
III .- Hernando de la Rúa, who was born in Valverde, Talavera de la Reina, counter Real Estate and the servant of Count Pedro de Zuniga, witness testing Dr. Fernando Suarez de Toledo to join the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Prado, 15-VIII-1558 (note). First married Francisca de Labrada, married second with
Constanza Meneses, who owns land in Casar, a league of Talavera, legitimate daughter of Rodrigo de Aguirre, the jury by the state of the noblemen of that city, and Elizabeth Meneses Cornejo paternal granddaughter Perucho Aguirre, mayor of Talavera de la Reina, who gave his name to the family under study.
son of second marriage: Francisco, which follows. IV .-
Francisco de Aguirre (1508-1580) born in Talavera de la Reina, Castilla, in 1508. He fought in the Battle of Pavia. He came to India in 1536, Peru in 1537, lieutenant governor of Charcas in 1539, to Chile, Valdivia, in 1540 and was a resident founder of Santiago in 1541, where he had CSAs in the parade, esq. Merced street and King (now State); mayor regular first chapter, 7-III-1541, and in 1545 and 1549, alderman, 1542, 44, 46 and 47; real factor, from 1541 to 1543; encomendero Mapocho, Cachapoal and Copiapo in 1546, lieutenant governor of La Serena, named the 20-VI-1549 in order to refound the city and provide parcels. The 21-V-1553 it extended its jurisdiction to the Tucumán, tried to the death of Pedro de Valdivia succeed in the government of Chile, achieving only be recognized in La Serena and Tucumán. García Hurtado de Mendoza was sent prisoner to Lima in 1557, where he was tried, returned to Chile with his wife and children, and settled in La Serena and Copiapo strong home called the castle of Montalban. In 1563 he was again governor of Tucuman, and dismembered the territory of Chile, founded there the city of San Miguel. In a riot was captured and sent to Los Charcas in 1566 and then to Lima, being prosecuted by the Inquisition in 1568. Confirmed as governor of Tucuman 25-II-1567, a position he assumed in 1569 and was dismissed by the Viceroy Francisco de Toledo of Peru, who appointed him successor in Cuzco the 20-X-1571, arrested and taken to La Plata, was a new process of the Inquisition, whose prisons remained 5 years. Was reestablished in La Serena, where he spent his last years. From there he wrote to King on 1-VIII-1580, asking for grants received for their services rendered in his youth in Spain and Chile in the last 40 years, whose conquest and lift had served at his expense spending more than 300,000 pesos . He met many daughters and granddaughters to be remedied and one son, having lost three others, a son and several nephews in the service of the King, to whom he could not appear for their many needs y deudas. Murió poco después de esta fecha y fue sepultado en la iglesia parroquial de La Serena.
Había casado en Talavera de la Reina con su prima hermana María de Torres y Meneses, nacida ahí, hija legítima de Hernando de Torres y de Isabel Ortega y venida a Chile en 1555.
Hijos: 1.- Hernando de Aguirre
, que sigue en V.
2.-Valeriano, n. en Talavera de la Reina, a Chile en 1552, y Tucumán 1553; muerto en 1564 en combate con los indios calchaquíes.
Constanza de Meneses , nacida en Talavera de la Reina; a Chile con su madre en 1555; muerta en Santiago. Caso por poder el 26-X-1552 con el general Juan Jufré
(ver Jufré), born into Rioseco, 1516, died in 1578, carrying out vigils wedding in Santiago in 1559 in the Cathedral, cs
4 .- Isabel Aguirre, n. Talavera de la Reina, loaded with his mother and siblings to Chile with no record of his arrival in this country. natural children: do Their number up fifty of which are known: 5 .- Marco Antonio de Aguirre. Florian 6 .- 7 .-
Aguirre Diego Aguirre
8 .- Nicolás de Aguirre, who and which is it concerned his father in the above-mentioned letter to the King (note), saying it has lost three children in war, as is Tomás Thayer Ojeda. 9 .- Thanks
Aguirre, who lived in 1564.
10 .- Pedro de Aguirre, alive in 1591.
V. -
Hernando de Aguirre (1528-1609)
born in Talavera de la Reina, 1528; to Chile, 1552, deputy mayor of La Serena, named by his father, 6-XI-1552, and Corregidor her, 26-VI-1553, represented his father at the town hall of Santiago, Valdivia's death, so that he hand over the government of Chile, which had become vacant, 1555. Lieutenant governor of Tucuman, representing his father, 8-VIII-1565, delegate council of Santiago, to represent him at the Council of Lima, 1573, mayor of La Serena, 1578, must defend the city to be attacked by pirate Francis Drake, who succeeded leave the bay of La Herradura, in XII-1578, made an information service in La Serena, the 26-X-1579 before the magistrate Juan de Barahona, again Corregidor, 1582, 1599, lived in 1607 and it was late in 1609.
Case in La Plata, Charcas, 1567, with Agustina Matienzo, born in Valladolid, residents in La Serena where protest with Juan Bautista Campos, the 26-III-1621, and was buried in the parish church in funeral of his father, legitimate daughter of Juan Matienzo de Peralta graduate, born in Valladolid, reporter there from the Royal Chancery, judge and president of the Real Audiencia of Charcas and then to Lima, author of the book "Government of Peru" , partner of Viceroy Toledo on their computers, and Ana de Toro and Carrión.
Children: 1 .-
Inés de Aguirre and Matienzo, still in VI. 2 .- María de Aguirre and Matienzo, born in La Serena, then married Captain Peter Pastene and Seixas, born in Santiago, mayor of Villarica, 1586; ruler of Santiago, 1592, resident in La Serena, where test before Juan Bautista Campos, 23-XI-1616, cs 3 .-
Bernarda Aguirre and Matienzo, born in La Serena and there testo, 17-XII-1620 (note) and married to Sergeant Joseph Campofrío Carvajal
(see Carver) was born in Santiago with marriage, to Juan Bautista Campos, La Serena, 14-II-1615 (note), cs
4 .- Ana Aguirre and Matienzo, born in La Serena and married there, 1603, by proxy, with Juan de Mendoza was born in Concepción, resident in The Serena, where test, 27-III-1637, and died, 4-VI-1637, cs 5 .- Jacoba de Aguirre and Matienzo, born in La Serena, where test against Juan Bautista Campos, 13-XII- 1620 (note) and in 1623 c. there with Juan de Loayza, who died in 1623; ss 6 .- Constanza Aguirre Matienzo, nun. VI .-
Inés de Aguirre and Matienzo
(1568-1615) was born in Chuquisaca
, 1568, as the absence of male firstborn inherited his father's parcels in La Serena; testo there before Juan Campos, 12-XII-1615 (note), and was buried at the funeral of his paternal grandfather in the cathedral.
married in La Serena with Captain Francisco de Rivera and Figueroa, born in Santiago in 1561, legitimate son of conquistador Francisco de Ribera, born in Torrejón de Velasco, Spain, founder of the Rivera family. (See Riveros)
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