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Table of Greco, View of Wikipedia
Toledo.copiado Toledo (Juan Luis Espejo) and internet
I. - Fernando Alvarez de Toledo
was fifth son of Garci Alvarez de Toledo, the second of this name and mayor of Toledo and his wife Mencia
(Tellez) de Meneses
(Mozarabic). This was Fernando Valdecorneja II lord, nobleman, I marshal of Castile, Ontario Mayor of Toledo and Mayor Butler of the King, he was born the branch of the Dukes of Alba. He died in 1384, in 1366 he married Leonor de Ayala, Mrs. Torrejón de Velasco (daughter of Fernan Perez de Ayala, nicknamed "the man" and Elvira Alvarez de Ceballos, gentlemen of the House of Ayala) (p. 121)
II. - Hernando or Fernando Álvarez de Toledo , was the third son of Fernando Alvarez de Toledo and Leonor Ayala, and by inheritance from his father, he became first lord of Higares. He was mayor of Trujillo and distinguished himself in campaigns against the Moors, was known by the nickname of "old" to distinguish him from his nephew, also named who was the lord of Valdecorneja IV and the first Count of Alba they called "The Younger".
He married M. de Higares with his relative,
Teresa Vasquez (or Guzman)
Toledo or Teresa de Ayala, who named it both ways, lady of the state of Pinto, daughter of Pedro Suarez de Guzman, and Peter Suárez de Toledo and Ayala (mayor and notary over Toledo) died in 1385 and master of Casarrubios del Monte, and the houses next to the parish of St. Antolin, and Juana Melendez (or Menéndez) Orozco, Mrs. Pinto ( daughter Iñigo López de Orozco, who died in 1367, Mr. Pinto and Escalonilla, and Mary Grace Meneses, his wife) The first lord of Higares indicated, son of Fernando Alvarez de Toledo and Leonor de Ayala (II lords Valdecorneja) was the grandson of "The Eye" I Valdecorneja lord, from which descended the Dukes of Alba. The first lords of Higares bought the chapel of St. Mary of the Sisla, outside Toledo, of the Order of St. Jerome, for burial. (P. 124) Hernan's wife, called as we discussed, Teresa Guzman, or Vazquez or Toledo, had a sister named Ines de Ayala, who married Marshal Diego Fernadez de Cordova of them was born Marina de Ayala, who married his first wife with Fadrique Enriquez, their daughter, Maria, was Queen of Aragon wedding with the King Juan II and they in turn born Ferdinand, who was Lord of Casarrubios and Arroyomolinos, when he married Queen Elizabeth, gave these lordships to Gonzalo Chacón for helping him to marry her. (Page 125)
Hernán Álvarez de Toledo on December 13, 1423 gave powers to his wife Teresa Vasquez and Teresa de Ayala (both ways is written) to manage their property in their absence. This 14de Teresa died in May of 1433 and was buried in the cemetery of the Sisla, before the high altar. Her husband survived six years and was buried next to her.
I. -
Hernando Alvarez de Toledo, n. Toledo "valiant knight in the discipline military "according to the chronicle of King Juan II, R lord of the castle and a meadow Higares it the Tajo, above the city; cm
Teresa de Toledo, Mrs. Pinto, daughter of Pedro Suarez de Toledo and Juana Orozco Melendez, lords and Casarrubios Pinto.
Children: 1 .- Pedro Suarez de Toledo, M. de Pinto. 2 .- Hernando Álvarez de Toledo, which follows Teresa
3 .- 4 .- 5 .- Maria Leonor
II .- Fernando Álvarez de Toledo
, n. Toledo, II lord of Higares; cm
Eleanor of Toledo and Ayala
III .- García Álvarez de Toledo, n. Toledo, Lord of Higares III; cm
Leonor de Guzman, daughter of Tello de Guzman and Maria de Haro, lords of Villaverde.
died 1485-86. IV .- Fernando Álvarez de Toledo , n. Toledo, IV Higares lord, master of the wars of Granada, where, for his services, won the title of Knight of the Golden Spur, "around 1488 with Maria de Padilla, daughter of Sancho de Padilla and Mary Sandoval, Ventosa lords.
1 .- Hernando Álvarez de Toledo, lord of Higares V, which follows the line; cm Sancha de Guzman, daughter of Martin de Guzman, cs (note)
natural child: 2 .- Alonso de Toledo
, been in the village maiden Casarrubios, who "went to a nun" in a convent in the city of Toledo, being endowed by the Lord of Higares III to "pay the obligation of the his son "(note), which is
V. - Toledo
Alonso, n. Toledo, 1468 (note), and the castle raised by his paternal grandfather Higares "with great gifts and esteem as the natural son of his eldest son" resident in Soria, when his father married Maria de Padilla, in 1486, assistant the wars of Granada "with letters and recommendations Fadrique Toledo, Duke of Alba, his kinsman, 1488 (Note), touching act as a warrior in the capture of King Mohammed at the battle of Arroyo de Martin Gonzalez (note); cm Soria, 1486 with Catherine de Salcedo
, n. alli, fda. Soria, in her first birth, the daughter of Diego and Catalina Yáñez Barnuevo Salcedo, noblemen of that city; cm 2 Baena, Andalucia, Teresa Fernández
, n. there, a lady of quality "of the Count of Cabra, fda. before 1555 (note) died before 1555. Son of first : 1 .- García Álvarez de Toledo, who remains in the second child
2 .- Fernando Álvarez de Toledo
, still in VIa
VI .-
García Álvarez de Toledo, n. Soria, about 1487, raised in Soria home of his maternal grandparents, having lost his mother at birth, who was sent to study at the University of Salamanca, declared hidalgo notorious earn wages by 500 he won in adversarial trial Soria City by order of the Chancery of Valladolid, 3-X-1536 (note); cm Soria, around 1521, with
Inés de la Fuente.
died after 1537 Children: 1 .- Alonso Alvarez de Toledo, who is
VII .-
Alonso Alvarez de Toledo, n. probably in Soria resident in Seville, 1517, came to Peru, 1537; cm
Leonor Sanchez de Toledo in the church of Santa Cruz de Sevilla (note). He died before 1561.
Children: 1 .- Luis de Toledo, who is the eldest of his family line in Chile, and continues to VIII 2 .- Maria , n. Sevilla, cm there, St. Nicholas Church before 1551, with Francisco de Toledo
, son of Fernando de Toledo and Fernandez Staff (see line second son). 3 .-
Bernardina, n. in Sevilla, coming to Chile with her husband and settled in Santiago, where he owned houses in the present streets of Morandé esq. Orphans and northwest corner. Northwest Company Amunátegui; cm Seville, Diego Vasquez de Padilla, n Granada, came to Chile with his wife, 1563 and resident in Santiago, whose council was alderman, 1587, 91, 94. Jerome died bdt Venegas, Stgo., 16-XII_1604; cs LINE FIRSTBORN
VIII .- Luis de Toledo, n. Sevilla, 1517, came to Peru where he performed in the civil war by the side of Gonzalo Pizarro and then to Chile in the conquering expedition of Pedro de Valdivia, 1540, assistant to the founding of Santiago, 1541; neighbor founder of Concepción, 1550 ; real lieutenant, 1555; Councilman perpetual, 1569, graced with coat of arms for CR 10-X-1561; neighbor founder of Chillán, where he settled with his family; cm Isabel Mejía Navarrete, fda. bdt Chillán, 1604.
died, 1580, c. s widely described in the book Mirror, but I did not transcribe that interests me only the second son branch. LINE
second son
VIa .- Fernando Álvarez de Toledo
, n. Baena, "very good soldier, assistant to the wars of Granada and graceful as a conqueror and the winner of that kingdom, with estates badges and coats of arms (note), found in touching the day of the Alpujarras with the Duke of Sesa ( note); cm with
Mayor Fernández Baena
, n. there, residents in Granada, with her husband and fda. after 1555.
Children: 1 .- Alonso de Toledo, n, Granada, committee of that city, 1557 (note) 2 .- Francisco de Toledo, who remains in VIIa
3 .- María de Toledo, n. in Granada, cm there with Jerome Moreno.
Children: 1.-Jerome
Moreno, n. Granada, father of Jerome Moreno and Ovando, committee of that city, 1634 (note) 2 .- Leonor Moreno de Toledo, n. Granada, the wife of Diego de Bracamonte, and both parents From
1 .- Diego de Bracamonte, a royal chaplain, a resident of that city, 1634.
2 .- Francisca de Bracamonte, widow of Baltasar de Santisteban Castillo, fda. after 1634, years that with his brother Diego and his cousin Jerome Moreno and Ovando, gave information to demonstrate that the three were grandchildren of Maria de Toledo (note) .-
Francisco de Toledo, n. Granada, 1524, "Knight of the Conquest of Granada" and called on information which surrendered shortly before leaving for Chile "by some business with respect to justice" (note), resident in Santiago, where he was alderman 1577, 92; Member of the hospital, 1584; owner of land on the street of the Company between current Amunátegui and San Martin, south sidewalk and a seat and burial in the chapel of the cathedral, next to the pillar; cm 1 Seville, Catalina Martinez Urbaneda, cm 2 , Seville, Toledo
Mary, born there, daughter of Alonso de Toledo and Leonor Sanchez de Toledo
died around 1615. Children of first : 1 .- Gonzalo de Toledo, still in VIIIa children of the second 2 .-
Fernando de Toledo, still in VIIIb
3 .- Gaspar Venegas de Toledo, still in VIIIc (not transcribe it)
4 .- Alonso de Toledo, n. Sevilla, 1553, came to Chile, 1578; cure Tango, 1580, Aculeo, 1588, in Hill, 1602; of Chillán, 1617. Jerome died bdt Venegas, Stgo., 11-V-1604. 5 .- Miguel Jerónimo
Venegas, who remains in VIII-d (Do not transcribe) 6 .- Juan Venegas, who remains in VIII-e (same as above) 7 .- Melchor Venegas, n. Stgo, 8-XII-1671, professed in the Society of Jesus, a missionary in Chiloe, 1608. He died in Santiago, 19-VI-1641 in view of holiness.
8 .- Eleanor of Toledo, n. Sevilla, 1551, coming to Chile with his father, 1555; cm Santiago Andres Zamudio.
9 .- Beatriz Venegas, n. Santiago Bl. Pedro died Zazuola bdt, Stgo., 12-I-1637.
VIII .- Gonzalo de Toledo Urbaneda, n. Seville, 1545, came to Chile, 1563 and resident in Santiago, trustee of the Poor Clares, ruler of Santiago, 1593, 1601, homeowners in this city on the square Mayor, Calle de la Merced, esq. Southeast of the state and a vineyard in the Cañada de Cáceres, including orphans and Augustine Street, mayor of Chillán, 1609; ccm first marriage, Diego Ortiz, La Serena, X-1583, with Maria Herrera, n. there, the daughter of Juan de Gijón, n. in Spain, 1526, resident in La Serena, 1549, 1570 and Councilman Juan de Herrera, n. La Serena, maternal granddaughter of Pedro de Herrera, born in 1505 Salamanca resident in La Serena, alderman, 1552, 55; fdo. 1589; ccm second husband, Jerome Venegas, Stgo., 17-I-1614, with Joan of Galleguillos, n. in Santiago, daughter of Alonso de Cecilia Galleguillos and Villegas. Jerome died
bdt Venegas, Stgo., 18-IX-1614. C. s.
VIIIb .- Fernando Álvarez de Toledo
, n. Seville, 1550, came to Chile with his family and settled in Santiago, where he owned houses in the street leading companies, including Morandé and Teatinos, south side and stayed in Angostura, sheriff of government, 23 - X-1590, mayor of Chillán, 1599, assistant to the battle of Laja, 13-III-1600; encomendero of San Juan de la Frontera, in Cuyo, 1600; ccm Jerome Venegas, Santiago, 16-X-1600 with
Jerónima de Lemos
, n. San Juan, owner of houses and stay in this city, fda. bdt Pedro Vélez, Santiago, 31-III-1645, daughter of Gaspar Lemos, conquistador of Chile, assistant captain to the people of Cuyo encomendero mayor of San Juan, died before 1590 and Teresa Gil, n. San Juan, maternal granddaughter of Juan Martín Gil, born in Caba, come to Peru, 1534 and Chile with Diego de Almagro, 1536 and again in 1551, sheriff of Santiago, 1559, conquistador de Cuyo, 1561; neighbor founder and encomendero San Juan de la Frontera, fdo. before 1593 and Juana Martín de Nava, paternal maternal great-granddaughter of Bartholomew Gil and Isabel Gómez. Bdt died
Miguel Miranda, clerk, James, 27-XI-1630 and Baltasar Araube, clerk, Jas., 3-VIII-1633 and was buried in the Cathedral in the grave of his father Children: 1 .- Francisco Alvarez de Toledo y Lemos, n. Stgo., Cm there with War and Erazo Magdalena, born in Azpeitia, fda. Stgo. Cs 2 .- Gaspar de Lemos, ss 3 .-
Teresa de Lemos, n. in Stgo., ccm Diego Rutala, Stgo., 12-XI-1621, with
Alonso del Pozo y Silva
, son of Juan Rodríguez del Pozo and Gregoria Nunez de Silva (see
Pozo ). Baltasar died bdt Araube, clerk, James, 10-VII-1633, cs 4 .- Constance de Lemos, n. Santiago; cm there with Jerome del Pozo y Silva, the son of Alonso del Pozo y Silva and Teresa del Peso. Bdt died Juan Fernández Ruano, Santiago, 7-II-1690, cs 5 .- María de Lemos, n. Stgo., Ccm Pedro Vélez, Stgo., 26-IV-1643, with Juan Llanos couple and Bustamante, n. in Guadalajara, fdo. in La Rioja, Tucumán. Bdt died Juan Morales, Santiago, 9-VI-1670, cs
6 .- Mariana nun
natural daughter Leonor
7 .-, n. in Stgo., cm 1 Antonio Lucena cm 2 to Pedro Bernal, born in Palo, Castilla la Vieja, captain, fdo. bdt Pedro Zuazola, Stgo., 4-IX-1635, son of Francisco Bernal and Beatriz Hurtado de Mendoza. Bdt died
Jose Toledo, 2-VI-1659, cs
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