Sunday, July 4, 2010

Student Volunteer Completed Hours Letter

(Mirror, pags 90-92, Charlín, p. 58-62 and Guard, One City ) I. - Pedro Fernandez de Aranda, lord of this house, Ubeda, Andalucía, perpetual council alderman Real Alcalá, 1364, married Juana Sanchez 2 .- Gonzalo Fernandez de Aranda
3 .- Andres Fernandez de Aranda
4 .- Juana Sanchez de Aranda

II .- Gonzalo Fernandez de Aranda married ... .....
1 .- Rodrigo Alonso de Aranda, who follows (in III because the mirror starts this name)
2 .- Teresa Aranda Hernandez, married to Luis Gonzalez de Valdivia and Guzman
(up here Charlin, now follows Mirror:

III .- Rodrigo Alonso de Aranda, n. Alcalá la Real, Jaén, (descendant of Pedro Fernandez de Aranda, perpetual ruler of that city, by the grace of King Peter I, founder in 1363 and she in her home , with burial in the chapel of Santa Maria, the parish church and his wife Juana Sanchez, born in Martos) cmc Teresa Guillén (note)
Children: 1 .-
Guillén Aranda, which follows.
2 .- Pedro Fernandez de Aranda, who remains in IIa
3 .- Teresa Guillén Aranda.

IV.-Juan Guillén Aranda, n. Alcalá la Real, cm Lucia Alonso de Villalobos.
Son: Martin, who is

V. Martin de Aranda and Villalobos, n. Alcalá la Real (note); cm and Valdivia Beatriz Arroyo, born in Porcuna, fda. bdt Fernando Gutierrez, Porcuna 24-VII-1577 and buried in the church of that village, with his father, the daughter of Jorge Arroyo, warden Porcuna and Teresa de Valdivia, paternal granddaughter of Hernando Diaz Arroyo and Mayor Ramirez Aguilera (see Aguilera), maternal granddaughter of Diego Ruiz de Valdivia Ramirez Aguilera Mencia (see Valdivia).
1 .- Juan de Aranda, n. Alcalá la Real, collación of San Pedro and San Pablo, whose marriage 1  Maria Barona; cm 2  Maria Cordova. Bdt granted
died there, 7-VIII-1579 cs
2 .- Rodrigo Alonso, fdo. before 1577
3 .- Francisco, singles
4 .- Diego, n. Porcuna, 1531, came to Chile with Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza, 1557, assistant to the battle of Bio Bio and Millarapue, the discovery of the islands from Ancud; Arauco to rebuilding and pacification of the Indians of Concepción, whose city was alderman, 1564, Mayor, 1565, 77 and encomendero, 1565; cm 1  Porcuna, Isabel Rueda, c. m 2 , Concepción, 6-IV-1565, Leonor Acevedo, encomendera of Toquigua, in this city, widow of Diego Hernández Pacheco licensed. He died after 1571, leaving daughter from his first marriage to María de Aranda, n. Porcuna, coming to Chile, 1578 with her husband Luis Méndez de Sotomayor, n. in Fernan Nunez, the son of Diego Mendez de Sotomayor and Catherine de Cordova of illustrious lineage.
5 .- Cristobal de Aranda. 6 .-
Hernando de Aranda Valdivia n. Porcuna, before 1530, soldier of the wars of Germany, Italy and Oran, since 1544, came to Chile Valdivia's widow, his kinsman, 1555, assistant for a quarter century of wars of Arauco; neighbor encomendero La Imperial, 1565 and Valdivia, 1578; cm The Imperial, with Bartolina de Miranda, born there, daughter of Alonso de Miranda, born in Ciudad Rodrigo, 1532, came to Chile, 1550, encomendero Villeregua in Cañete, alderman that city, 1563, 69, ruler of the Imperial, 1565; mayor de Cuyo, 1575, ruler of Santiago, 1593, and his wife Mencia de Marañón, who according to the chronicles, the miracle happened llenarsele wheat in a barn year shortages of 1555, with which he could feed the Indians paternal granddaughter of Diego de Miranda and Isabel Rodriguez Pacheco, Rodrigo Town hijosdalgo
7 .- Pedro de Aranda, who remains in IV.
8 .- Jorge Aranda, Martos warden; cm Juana de Barona. He died before 1577 leaving children: a.
- Ines de Valdivia
b. - Martin de Aranda Arroyo, auditor of the Invincible Armada, died in that memorable action, 1588.
9 .- Teresa de Valdivia; cm Francisco Suárez de Figueroa, n. in Madrid.

VI.-Valdivia Pedro de Aranda, n. Porcuna before 1530, soldier of the wars in Oran, Italy and Germany, since he was fifteen, came to Chile with his bereaved widow Pedro de Valdivia, 1555, assistant to the bells of Arauco, ruler of Villarica, 1560, its mayor, 1563; encomendero, 1565, mayor of La Imperial, Valdivia and Osorno, 1575, 76, out of the five top cities, 1578 , touching the emergence of the earthquake of that year and quell an uprising that had been dead three or four Spaniards, active 2-I-1575 that is executor of Captain Juan de Viedma, the actual cash being paid 449 pesos, and tomines SEIE a gold ducat, the court, Spain, 1578, with powers of the councils of Osorno (25-XI-15 77) and Angola (28-II-1578?) where calls as a bonus for services the district of La Plata , which was not granted. Felipe II, RC 26-I-1579, granted, however, annual income of 5,000 pesos in Indian vacos more perpetual governor of the Province of Conlan, behind the Andes, which was to win at their expense, he embarks on Conquered galleon Alonso, 26-I-1579. Cm
1 , Spain, Catherine of Escavias Avalos (or Davalos), a native of Jaen; cm 2  Osorno, Maria Marmolejo, n. Constantina, Andalucía, coming to India with his father and then to Chile, the daughter of Francisco Caracol, fdo. Maria Marmolejo 1551 and Velasco, n. in Constantine, 1512, sister of the first bishop of Santiago, widow of Juan de Espinosa and Rueda and Alonso Arias de Saavedra, paternal granddaughter of Peter Caracol Velasquez, mayor of Constantine and Isabel de Estrada; maternal granddaughter of Peter and Elizabeth Velasco Aranda Marmolejo, widow of Rodrigo Gonzalez de Gongora bisnita mother father Juan de Cabrera, warden of Constantine and Catalina Estrada, maternal great-granddaughter Fernando Marmolejo maternal and Juana de Frías (note).
probably died in Spain before 1581. Sons
1.-Cristóbal de Aranda, n. Porcuna, 1556, came to Chile with his father, Councilman Santiago perpetual, by RC of 9-I-1579, real Ensign 1582, encomendero of Villarica, 1586. He died in Villarica, 1588, after twenty years of service in the wars of Arauco, single. 2 .- Beatriz
Dávalos, n. Porcuna, 1552, coming to Chile with his father  cm1 Hernando de Viedma, n. Valdivia, probably the son of Juan de Viedma, n. Ubeda, captain of the imperial guard, came to Chile, 1557, assistant to the issue of the crowned, 1558, encomendero de Valdivia, 1558, 65. Whose marriage
2  Gatica Rodrigo Ortiz, son of Diego Ortiz de Gatica and Maria Marmolejo (see Gatica). Died bdt Manuel de Toro, Stgo., 7-I-1605, cs
3 .- Mariana de Aranda, Antonio de Quevedo cm, clerk of government of the kingdom of Chile, 1577, fdo. before 1582. She died after 1586, cs 4 .- Martín Alonso
Arroyo, born in 1555 near Villarica, mayor of Riobamba. He entered the Society of Jesus, 1592, and died a martyr in Elicura, XII-1613, with the process of beatification
5 .- Andrés de Aranda, priest
6 .- Pedro de Aranda, fdo. in Chile to go through a river before 1594.
7 .- Martin de Aranda, n. In 1577, Captain of the wars of Arauco, mayor of Riobamba in Peru, teachers in the Society of Jesus, Lima, 1594, returned to Chile to work in the evangelization of the Indians and killed them hand in Elicura, Concepción , XII-1612.
8 .- Jorge Aranda, n. in 1563, a soldier in the war of Arauco, from 15 years, assistant with Col. Del Campo Maregueno the battle, which was crippled in one leg; ordained a priest in Lima, he returned to Chile, 1593, touching found as chaplain at the site of Osorno, during the great uprising of 1599; Castro in the day when the Indians killed the colonel said Field, "which received forty and more bodily injury" and the relief of that city, being mayor Francisco Hernández Ortiz, going by sea to Concepción to ask supplies. Prebendary of the Cathedral of Lima, 1618, where he died, 1620.
9 .- Maria de Valdivia, cm Irízar Martin, born before 1519, soldier of the civil wars of Peru during which he attended battles Guarina, 1542 and Jaquijaguana, 1548, the year he came to Chile, commander of Fort Tucapel, assistant to the defeat of Mariguenu and depopulation of Conception encomendero Vadivia, 1562, conqueror of Chiloe 1567, cs (see Irizar)
The following appears as sister of the previous mirror as Charlin daughter.
10 .- Elvira de Valdivia; cm Neira Andres Garcia, a resident of Valdivia (see Elguea)

Sons of the second
11 .- Luis Aranda Valdivia, n. Valdivia, 1578, educated in Lima, returned to Chile, 1599, defender of Osorno, 1599, being in the great Indian uprising of that year, guard natural, 1612, mayor of Aconcagua, 1620; worthy of the Kingdom of Chile, 1624; cm Larreinaga Francisca, born in Castro, Chiloe, 1581, fda. after 1651, daughter of Luis de Larreinaga and Ana de la Vega, paternal granddaughter of Larreinaga Juan Salazar, born in Bilbao, 1509, came the discovery of Chile with Almagro, 1536, returned to Peru, where the canopy act civil wars, first in the Almagro match, then of Gonzalo Pizarro and finally to La Gasca, who came back to Chile with Villagra, 1551, who appointed him mayor of Osorno encomendero and to return to Peru, settling permanently in the court, which held the positions of mayor Lima, 1570, 76, mayor of Huanuco de los Caballeros and Chachapoyas and captain of the conquest of the viceroy Toledo Chiriguanos; fdo. 1581; and his wife Francisca Medel of Mina, born in Huelva, who married before 1557; grandson pp Larreinaga Ochoa and Maria Saenz Ruiz de Uribe.
died after 1664.
Maria Salazar Aranda Valdivia and Larreinaga, married to General Francisco Pérez de Valenzuela and Moraga. (See Perez de valenzzuela in the name: Rodriguez)

IIa.-Pedro Fernandez de Aranda, married to Eleanor of Marmolejo, a native of Constantine
1 .- Maria Marmolejo and Fernandez de Aranda, still in IIa
2 .- Rodrigo Gonzalez Marmolejo, a Dominican missionary in Peru, assistant to the day of the Chunchos with Pedro de Candia, 1538, and the issue conquering Chile to Pedro de Valdivia, 1540; neighbor founder Santiago, 1541; vicar from elsewhere, 1546, vicar general, 1555 and first bishop of Santiago, 1563. 3 .-
Diego Carmona, canon of the Cathedral of Cordoba, sugar bushes, dean and distinguished benefactor of the Cathedral of Seville, 1538, 1539 and 1553
4 .- Pedro de Aranda y Velasco, married to Isabel de Marmolejo. Agustina de
5 .- 6 .- Rodrigo
Marmolejo Marmolejo

IIIa .- María de Marmolejo y Fernandez de Aranda, married to the conquerors Caracol Francisco, warden of the castle of Constantine, 1545, which became mainland Chile, 1549, son of Peter Caracol and Velazquez, Justice of Constantine and his castle warden, 1528 and Isabel de Estrada Cabrera, maternal grandson of John Cabrera, warden of the castle and Catalina Estrada, and later with Diego Ortiz de Gatica. Sons
1 .- John, baptized in the church of Constantine, 18-X-1534
2 .- Elizabeth, "" "" "" 14-VI-1536
3 .- Teresa, "" " "" ", 22-III-1539
4 .- Peter," "" "" "20-XI-1545
5 .- Caravantes Leonor de Estrada, called on the mainland, who married the conquistador Diego Nieto Ortiz de Gaete (see Ortiz de Gaete)
6 .- Maria Marmolejo and Caracol , called on the mainland, died bdt Pajuelo granted to Juan Donoso, Santiago, 16-V-1617, married the conquistador Juan de Espinosa and Rueda, who had fought in Mexico and Peru, encomendero of Osorno, Alonso Arias de Saavedra, encomendero Osorno and Aranda Castro and Pedro de Valdivia, Villarrica encomendero, cs


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