Sunday, July 11, 2010

What Does C D Us Mean Shoe Size


(Fam. Fund. Volume I p. 608-615)

I. - Born in Seville, 1571 (note) legitimate son of Juan Rodríguez del Pozo and Gregoria Nunez de Silva, in Chile in 1596, where he came with his brothers Francis and John, Captain resident in Santiago, where he was Global Custodian, 1603-5 (note), and treasurer of the Holy Cross, 1605-23 (note), chancellor of the Royal Court, since the foundation of it in Santiago, 1609, until his death, a position he reununció in head first, the lawyer Juan del Pozo y Silva, his nephew, who declined, and second, his son Jerome del Pozo y Silva who succeeded him in that job.
Corregidor by the party of Maule, 1628-29. In Santiago, the 4-III-1605, sold to Martin Chavez Cantero, 300 pesos, a room adjoining this land, which was in the valley of Puangue (note), in 1618, had stayed in Rapel, which may well be a property of Andia Ferando Yrarrázaval property in Chile which managed the captain del Pozo y Silva until that, in Lima on 9-IV-1616, revoked the power of administration given to it (note).
In 1612 his brother Juan Nunez del Pozo tried to strip the courts of the houses we lived and had received the dowry of his wife, but Alonso won in 1614, ruling in favor of it (note). Later these homes lost in 1623 when he was executed for a debt of 1922 pesos I had with the court of the Holy Cross, from the alms of the bulls, as treasurer, had received, this became part ejecucución Monastery Augustinian nuns, charging 1622 pesos Well that for continuous arrears owed a 1000 census weights loaded on these houses. The 9-VIII-1623 houses are foreclosures at 5,500 pesos, of which Well, nothing received. He went to live in houses purchased Captain Matthew Howard, a middle and Father Cristobal de Varela, the other (note). In 1631 sold 500 blocks of land that was obtained by royal grant Nancagua (note). In 1618 as clerk of the Royal Court chamber, filed suit with the Attorney General of Santiago, Francisco Rodriguez de Ovalle, on priority seating on public holidays, making ruled in her favor, 1615 (note). Their economic situation was never very loose, being its main income, most of the time, the salary of the chancellor of the Royal Court. In 1579, the letter of his wife, said that 600 pesos was a tenth of their property, to test, 1643, had to lower the dowry he had given his daughter Mary and said 4 of his other children , had 400 pesos each, they declared that it was always so short the flow of his father and so manifest their destitution he had no such dowry for their daughters virtue and quality, and when he died, he had no assets that could bury him and because of this inventory was not and their children did not accept his inheritance (note), perhaps somewhat exaggerated claims, and trying to prove that nothing had been received from his father. This test, in Santiago on November 29, 1643, leaving an inheritance to their children and the trustees and the holders of property to Jerome del Pozo y Silva, his son, and Ana de Arauz, his wife (note). The will, which had given closed, opened the day of his death, James, 20-V-1645. (Note) Married first in Santiago, the 31-VIII-1596, with Teresa del Peso, named Jas., 8-IV-1581, daughter leg. Weight Jerome, born in Salmanca, a resident of Santiago with a shop in the Plaza Mayor, which tested in Stgo., the 17-XII-1590 (note), and Andrea Morales, born in Lima, and tested in Santiago , 16-X-1623 (note). Teresa was endowed with 3,705 pesos, in which included two slaves, 680 pesos, silver, clothing, furniture and homes that were of his father, priced at 2,500 pesos, of which had to be deducted 1,000 pesos from a tax roll over them, bringing the Dower to 4,305 pesos, with 600 pesos donated by her husband in earnest. These were the houses that were foreclosed on him in 1623, and he bought in Santiago, 17-XI-1625, the field master Miguel Gómez de Silva, who some of the children of Alonso del Pozo y Silva filed a lawsuit in Santiago, 11-V-1666, claiming a better right to them because of the dowry for Teresa. For Case 17-X-1673, confirmed in Santiago, 17-III-1674, the Royal Court ruled in favor of Gomez de Silva (paper). Teresa del Peso, seriously ill, he gave power to test in Santiago, 23-X-1612, her husband and his mother, who appointed executors, heirs and universal stopped their children (note), dying immediately.
He married his second wife, Teresa de Lemos and Toledo

and were veiled, Santiago, 13-IX-1621, witnessing Gaspar and Luis Venegas (note). Teresa was born in Santiago, was the daughter leg. Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, born in Seville, 1550, came to Chile with his family, a resident of Santiago, owner of a stay in Angostura, sheriff of government, 23-X-1590, mayor of Chillán, 1599, in San encomendero Juan de la Frontera, Cuyo, 1600 (note), with provisions Probate in Santiago, 27-X-1630 (note) and 3-VIII-1633 (note), and Jerome de Lemos, born in San Juan de la Frontera, where he had stayed home and received a dowry, Stgo., 16-X-1600 (note), and test, Stgo., 31-III-1645.
Teresa was endowed, Stgo., 12-X-1621, with 1154 dollars in clothes, furnishings and ornamental things of his person and home, 50 blocks of land in the valley stay Aculeo, 2 blocks on the farm of father of the other side of the river and 1250 goats and castrated (note). Empowered to test her father and her husband, who was given the will, and she died in Santiago, 6-VII-1633. In it, he stated that during the conjugal partnership had been acquired or increased the following property: in the village that was, took 2,500 pesos for recovery; received from Diego Henriquez, mayor of Arica, 687 pesos and 4 reales owed that for thirty years, received 480 pesos to 60 pesos of annual, accounts in the last 8 years, had taken the royal officers, 130 pesos a year the office of chancellor who had served all the time of this marriage, and 30 pesos per year in the last 13 years gave the Indians by Melchor Jofré hand, had gained 825 pesos a chaplaincy in Spain, served Dr. Francisco Núñez del Pozo (his brother, who had returned to Spain?) and the Royal Box Coquimbo had charged 1,000 pesos. Kept to their rightful heirs children (note).
He married his third wife, Santiago, 1637, with Ana de Arauz, born in Santiago, legitimate daughter of Captain Francisco Sanchez de Arauz, born in the town of Havana, Extremadura, with testamentary dispositions in Santiago (note), and Catherine Vargas (note). Ana was endowed, Stgo., 7-VII-1637, was executor of her husband gave power to test, Santiago, 4-II-1673, to Mr. Juan del Pozo y Silva, his nephew, and Josefa del Pozo y Silva and declaring his home property in which he lived, bought from Juan Gallardo, and built everything in it belonged to said Josefa, his daughter (Note) sons of the first
1 .- Juan del Pozo y Silva, SJ, as his brothers, he and his brother, which follows, together on charity from their relatives and strangers religious dowry her sister Ana (note)
2 .- Alonso, SJ, with studies in Santiago, convictorium of San Francisco Javier (note) and Córdoba del Tucumán, a priest, sent to the mission of Good Hope and then to Valdivia; Captured by the Indians, 1655, was rescued shortly after (note)

3 .- Jerome, n. Santiago, 1600, Sergeant Major, Chancellor of the Royal Court, 1645-1674, received grant of 500 acres of land in Colchagua; trial of 1666 led by the houses of the dowry of his mother in Santiago on 8-III-1666, resigned in the King and head of his legitimate offspring, chap. Juan and Alonso del Pozo y Silva and his son Ch. Juan de Oyarzun, the first to be present, the position of chancellor (note), the same day gave his will, which left the estate to his children, debiéndose deducted 1,000 pesos to enter employment to serve as chancellor and gave 200 pesos to Constanza del Pozo, granddaughter who had grown up in your home, natural daughter of his son, captain Juan del Pozo, appointed executors his wife, the lieutenant Pedro Vélez Pantoja, his son and Captain Alonso del Pozo y Silva, the son (note), for being very flow backward, made some changes to his will, by codicil, Santiago, 1-III-1674 (note).
had married in Santiago, 1629 (note), with Constance de Lemos, sister of his stepmother, Teresa de Lemos, for whom he had received goods valued at 1,200 pesos and 300 pesos led to marriage and clothing. Constance made his testamentary dispositions, Santiago, 7-II-1690 (note).

4 .- Ana, n. Stgo. Participated in 1666, widow, at the trial by the house of his mother test, Stgo., 31-I-1674. INDOT (note), c. Santiago, 1620, with Captain Gaspar de Toledo Venegas, veiling, Santiago, 25-VIII-1620. Gaspar was a widower with a succession of Catalina Ortiz de Gatica, that test, Stgo., 29-XI-1615, making him, Stgo., 15-VI-1649, cs

5 .- Gregoria, n. in Santiago, where test, 20-I-1678 (note), and again, 10-XII-1679, a widow, having the site and house where he lived and divided among several people (note), gave several codicils, all in Santiago, the 26-III-1680 (note), the 14-VII-1681 (note), 4-XI-1681 (note) and 24-I-1686, the latter as a novice in the monastery of the Immaculate Conception, having served his novitiate year and preparing to profess, which overturned provisions of previous codicils was driven by anger, declaring several orders of her late husband (note). There James married in the parish of Santa Ana, 18-XI-1643, with Diego Venegas de Toledo, n. Santiago, who after giving a will (note), gave power to test, Stgo., 12-VIII-1675 (note). This was the legitimate son of Miguel Jeronimo Venegas (note), who was full brother of Gaspar legitimate Venegas de Toledo, named
4 .- 6 .- Teresa, n. Stgo, based since 1629 in San Juan de la Frontera, Cuyo, there test, 1-X-1681 (note), and a codicil, 29-VII-1683 (note), and died there, 21-XII-1686 (note .) Had married in San Juan de la Frontera, with Sergeant Major Andrés de Lemos, born there, 1582 and died 1652, legitimate son of Captain Gaspar de Lemos, come the conquest of Chile, encomendero of San Juan de la Frontera, Cuyo, and its mayor, and Teresa Gil.

7 .- Micaela, b. Stgo, 13-X-1610, with sponsors Antonio de Azocar and Maria Isabel Guajardo, his wife (note), who died before his mother.

8 .- Andrea, surge of more than two years, James, 6-X-1614, which had been called to need when he was born (note), and was a professed nun in the convent of the Immaculate Conception when testing his father, 1643; there, 30-IV-1666, gave power of attorney to the lieutenant general Diego Solis, attorney causes of Santiago (note), who acted for her in the trial field master Miguel Gómez de Silva.

Children of the second:
9 .- Fernando

, still in II

10 .- Mary, n. Santiago, 1623, equipped with a slave and her calf, three hundred dollars in other species, half solar, for his father, he ordered in his will, 1643, in order not to harm other children, it is hereby deliver solar and were distributed equally between the five daughters who were then, given power to test, Santiago, 20-X-1688. He married in Santiago, 1643, with Captain Bartholomew Artana Palma, born in Chillán, 1604, encomendero, 1634 (note), cs
11 .- Juana, called the greater by his father, b. in Stgo., 3-VII-1624 (Memo) c. Conception to Alonso German captain, born in Ayamonte and died in Concepción, 11-XII-1656, widower of Mary Liseras, son leg. John German, n. Sevilla and Isabel Hernandez, married in Ayamonte, 24-III-1587 (note) Cs Melchora 12 .-, n. Stgo.; Given power to test, Santiago, 29-IV-1675 with her husband, who left as executor and custodian of assets, and heirs to its 5 leg. children. (Note). Had married and Stgo. with Captain Pedro Honorato
13 .- Juana Uribe, named by his father the younger wave of 5 months, Stgo., 29-VII-1633, having already killed his mother (note); cc Valentin de Guzman and Santoyo, leaving both 1686, heirs, executors and holders of goods of that Gregoria Well, his sister. From the third
14 .- Elizabeth, 14-month wave, Stgo., 15-IX-1639, was endowed with 910 pesos to marry Alonso, Earl of Galarce, died in Santiago, 30-XI-1662 (note ), ss, so his mother when he was given power to test, 1673, ordered to charge the dowry to the widow.
15 .- Josefa, n. Stgo, received 4-II-1673, power to test for his mother, who failed to executor and said that everything belonged to Joseph built his house, got married after that date, with captain Grancisco Sansi Guevara, born in Vitoria, Spain, and mourned, Santiago, 12-II-1688 (note). Joseph was given power to test the lawyer Juan de la Cerda, who appointed executor and custodian of assets, and stopped universal heir his niece Manuela Marquez Estrada and del Pozo y Silva (note) He made a personal, Stgo., 25-VII-1709, in favor of it (note), ss
16 .- Mary Nicole, posthumous daughter of his father, wave a year and months, Stgo., 19-X-1647 (note). Cc Captain Andres Marquez Estrada, born in Colchagua (note). Mary Nicole gave power to his cousin, lawyer Juan del Pozo y Silva, a lawyer for the Royal Audience of Lima, to ask the archbishop of that city's declaration of nullity of their marriage, having been treated by his mother, without freedom consent of the person concerned (note), ss

II .- Fernando del Pozo y Silva and Lemos (1622 -)
Wave Pattern of two years, Santiago, 3-VII-1624, had been baptized a need at home when he was born (note). Convictorium student of St. Francis Xavier, the Jesuits, in Srgo. (Note). He led an infantry company in Lima where he was captain and led the war in Chile. On two occasions he brought the actual position to the army five times alderman and twice mayor of Concepción, 1661, 73. Appointed mayor of Concepcion, 1-I-1658, by the mayor Bartolome Gómez Bravo, although it had received fewer votes than others, were asked nullification of the election, which was granted, Stgo., 9-V-1658, at the Royal Court, but later reversed its decision and ordered, Stgo., 4-XI-1658, Ferdinand was put in possession of the mayor's staff (note), in Concepción, 21-I-1671, he received a thousand thanks blocks of land in the seat Gualque (note), whose Indian was encomendero; owner Conuco stay, their children sold to the Jesuits (note), he was already dead when, 9-XI-1687, his child asserted the merits of his father to ask for a parcel (paper). Concepción married with Antonia German, born there, daughter leg. German Alonso Hernández (note), born in Ayamonte and died in Concepción, 11-XII-1656 and Maria de Liseras and Salas was born in Santiago and Concepcion died in IV-1645. Antonia lived in 1681.
1 .- Alonso, n. Concepcion, 1673; pupil of the Jesuits in the convictorium of San Francisco Javier, Stgo., (Note); Doctor graduated, was ordained a priest, Concepcion, 1700; cure Chillán and then, Conception Cathedral, canon magistral and 2-VII-1709, dean of the council of this, by bull of 11-XII-1713, was established bishop of Córdoba del Tucumán, was consecrated, Concepcion, 10-II-1715, took possession of his see, by proxy , 1714, and personally, Cordoba, 16-VI-1715, transferred to the Diocese of Santiago de Chile, 22-XI-1723, confirmed by Bull of 7-I-1724, took possession of it by proxy, 24-X-1724, becoming the first Chilean who occupied this episcopal; promoted to Archbishop of Charcas, which confirmed bull 7-IV-1731, part Valparaiso, 27-IV-1731, from its headquarters in La Plata (Sucre), sent a donation of 4,000 pesos to support the construction of the Cathedral of Concepción, submitted his resignation to the archbishop, which was accepted, 22-I -1742; returned to Santiago, where he suffers from sudden and serious illness, he gave power to test, 12-IX-1745, his nephews Dr. Jose del Pozo y Silva and Riveros, priest and vicar of Valparaiso and Dr. Manuel Alday and Axpe (grandson of Antonio German and Juana del Pozo y Silva, appointed in II-11) (note), doctoral canon of the cathedral of Santiago, leaving only heir Cathedral of La Plata (footnote), died in Santiago, 17-IX-1745. Antonia
2 .-, n. Conception General Francisco Zamorano cc Pocostales, governor of Chiloé, 1700 (note)
3 .- Fernando, n. Concepción, captain in 1674 began serving in acts of war, participated in the fortification of Design, 1681, to the danger of European pirates, in Stgo., 9-XI-1681, asked the commission to five Indian-born Conuco his stay, which was granted, Stgo., 21-XII-1681 (note). Review, Stgo., 7-V-1726, stating that he had an outstanding flow, but they lost everything and only left his dwelling houses and slaves, left for heirs to his five legitimate children under the guardianship and custody of his mother, and gave their property, with 50 pesos to a natural son, John Well, there in their single and unmarried women (note), died in Santiago, 16-V-1726 (note).
was married to Maria Josefa de Riveros Hurtado de Mendoza and Quiroga (notes). Fernando received 9,804 pesos and 2 reales dowry of his wife, whom the donated another 1,000 pesos in deposits, Stgo., 4-XI-1703. Maria Josefa, seriously ill, tested, Stgo., 11-XII-1753, leaving three children legitimate heirs: Joseph, Antonia and Tomasa Leonor, as the other two died at a young age (note).
4 .- José, n. Concepcion, Chief Commissioner, test, Concepción, before the notary José de Villagra and murioó there before 1713, because his brother, Dr. Alonso, who was named executor, acted as such before reaching the episcopate. Concepcion was married to Joan Jofre de Loayza, baptized in Buenos Aires, 13-IV-1654, widow of Gen. Francisco Girón commissioner of Montenegro (note). Joseph did not provide goods to marriage and received 4,000 dollars from his wife, with 2,000 of whom bought the Ranguelmo stay, Itata game, next to that of Conuco; letter gave no dowry to his wife, but in his will ordered return these 4,000 pesos. Juana test, Stgo., 12-II-1737, having not yet received this sum, despite lawsuits filed by it. Ordered to found a chantry, leaving as heir (note); grant codicil, Santiago, 1743. (Note). 5 .-
Clemente, n. Concepción, Mercy, 1683, fifty-first provincial de la Merced, 1735, died in Santiago, 25-III-1737. (Note)
6 .- John, still in III. 7 .- Jerónima
, cc the field master Pedro de Angulo, cs (note)
8 .- Francisca, Captain Francisco Goycochea cc, cs
9 .- Thomas
natural Son: Well
10 Prospero and Lemos, novice Augustine, 1702; teachers, Santiago, 13-III-1703, Reader in Philosophy, 170; received orders patents, 1708, that year poured two chairs of theology, Regent of Studies, 1710, provincial, 1722, 1731, 1738 and 1749, died 27-VII-1750. (Note)

III .-
Juan del Pozo y Silva and German
(1644 -) Born in Concepción
between May and November 1644 (note), captain of cavalry general overseer of the army for one year, 1712 (note ), mayor of Chillán, 1725. He married Rosa
, legitimate daughter of Juan Ibanez general and Luisa Echavarria Soto received dowry of his wife's stay Palpal, Chillán jurisdiction, first of which, having been invaded by Félix Zapata, had to plead with it, 1719-1722, obtained a favorable decision in the Royal Court (note). Children:
1 .- Nicolás Javier, n. Concepción, keeper of the Mint, 1772 (note). Empowered to test, Stgo., 14-I-1776, his wife, whom he left an executor, owner of property, tutor and curator of his three legitimate sons living (note). He married in Santiago, 12-IX-1752, with Maria Mercedes de Aristegui del Pozo, his niece in the second degree, blessing the marriage his cousin and uncle of the bride José del Pozo y Silva and Riveros, priest and vicar of Valparaiso (note .) It was the legitimate daughter of the field master and Querejazu Miguel de Aristegui, born in Oñate, with testamentary dispositions, Stgo., 1753 (note) and 1773 (note), and Tomas Leonor del Pozo and Riveros, mentioned in II-3, which test, Stgo., 1793 (note), and Jas., 26-III-1800 (note). In turn, Maria Mercedes de Aristegui, a widow, gave power to test, Santiago, 30-IX-1797, his three legitimate sons and heirs, Pedro Juan, lawyer José María and José Rafael del Pozo and Aristegui (note).
2 .- Rafael, n. Conception convictorium student of San Francisco Javier, Stgo., 1728-1730 (note), mayor of Conception c. 1  Maria Rosa de Arteaga, daughter leg. Captain Antonio de Arteaga and Maria Josefa de Lara; cm 2  to Maria Magdalena de Arteaga, leg. full sister of his first wife, who without issue, gave power to her husband, 1765, to test for it (note). 3 .- Francisco, n. in Concepcion, a pupil of convictorium of San Francisco Javier, Santiago, 1728-1930 (note); cure Tango (malloc); went to Charcas, 1734, where his uncle was bishop Alonso cure Puna, province of Porco, 1758; canon of the cathedral of La Plata, died there, 1778 (note). 4 .-
, still in IV. 5 .- Josefa

, n. in Concepcion, was endowed with 14,000, and 2,000 in silver coin jewelry; dowry demand disappeared spread out at sea, 1751, gave power to test for it with her husband, James, 8-I-1766, leaving legitimate heirs to his eleven children (note), died in Santiago, 28 -I-1766 (note). Had married field master of Palacios and Joaquin Garay , born in the town of Oñate, Guipuzcoa. Joaquin test, Jas, 20-IV-1784, when three of his sons had died, stating that with the dowry of his wife bought the houses we lived in Concepción and her household and decoration, all of which was lost Sea output in 1751, for his frequent illnesses, had not given the will of his wife, ordering compliance of the provisions of this (note) C. s. that was in the name Palacios. 6 .-
Bernardino Luis Fernando, named in Chillan, 12-VII-1727, passed to the Archbishop of Charcas, where he was priest and vicar of the doctrine of Bartolo, 1774 (note). IV .- Juan del Pozo y Silva and
Echavarria was born in Concepción, in 1760 was called field marshal, mayor of Conception, 1761 (note), it was late in 1789. Married
Ma ria Concepcion Josefa de la Barra and Sobarzo (note), daughter leg. of the field master Martín de la Barra and Galeazzo de Alfaro, n. Concepción, 1667 (note), encomendero the village of La Florida, Concepción, military service began in 1685, Captain in 1698 (note), lieutenant captain-general in Concepcion, 1708, was titled general field marshal, 1712 (note), and late in 1719 (note), and Agustina de Sobarzo (note ) remarried in Concepcion, with Rita Arranz and de la Jara, born 1726 and died Concepcion, 10-VI-1781 (note), daughter leg. Captain Lorenzo Arranz Garcia and Ortiz, born in Malaga, 1696, and Rosa de la Jara Villaseñor and Ramirez de Arellano (note).
1 .- Alejandro del Pozo y Silva and Barra, n. Concepción, married in La Paz, Bolivia, 10-V-1773, with Rosa Vera, born in La Paz, natural daughter Felipa Inojosa and Gonzalez (note). 2 .- Mercedes, married and in 1768, with the field master of the Solar and Edward Matthew, born in the destroyed town of Penco, 1730, and died in Concepción, 8-XII-1789, by spreading an epidemic of smallpox (note), which widower, had married 2  to Francisca Javiera Rivera and Puga, cs 3 .- Gertrude, Sunday cc Villalobos Bravo (note), cs
4 .- Francisco Javier, n. Concepción, 1752, priest, died there, 26-VI-1782 (note). 5 .- Francisca
, n. Concepción, 1753, unmarried, died of smallpox infection, Concepción, 21 - XI-1789. (Note). 6 .-

Bernardo, still in V.

7 .- María Pastoriza del Pozo y Silva and Arranz, n. Concepción and there, surge, one year, four months and twelve days, 12-V-1760 (note); dead in Concepcion, 8-XII-1810 (note); married in Concepción, tabernacle, 14-VII- 1796, Palacios Alfonso Perez de Villota, born in Panama, Dragons captain and lieutenant colonel graduated (note), cs 8 .- Nicholas Joseph, b. a day, Concepción, 6-XII-1766 (Memo) c. Hence, the 11-XII-1789 Mol Margarita Valenzuela (note) natural daughter
9 .- Maria del Pozo, of an unknown mother, unmarried, died more than twenty years, Concepcion, 23-XI-1789 (Note)

V. -
Bernardo del Pozo y Silva and
Bar (1758 -)
Born in Concepcion, 1758; resident of Ranchi, lieutenant of cavalry in 1784, sergeant major of militia Rancagua regiment Dragons cavalry Sagunto, 27-V-1803 (note). He made a seriously ill, Rancagua, 9-XI-1818, leaving children to their rightful heirs, and executor and holder of property, his wife claimed to have part of the Hacienda La Florida, which accounted for maternal inheritance, on the that had been paid a mortgage that her late father, wrongly imposed on it, also had a part in the stay of the San Javier Perales, the Hacienda La Florida, on the death intestate of his nephew Pedro del Solar, which, although it took possession of it to Bernardo, when he returned to Rancagua, parents took over Mercy of Concepcion, sent two cases to clarify and collect what is owed, paternal inheritance was to a house in Concepcion, and sent his brother to collect the sum Villalobos Sunday that, by authority of Bernardo, sold it and had not realized (note). He married in Rancagua, 11-V-1784, to Josefa Palacios and Hurtado de Mendoza was born in Santiago, daughter leg. General Francisco Javier Palacios and Mercedes Hurtado de Mendoza, dispensing a bar of the third degree of consanguinity mixed second (note). Paternal granddaughter was Josefa Palacios Joaquin Garay and Josefa del Pozo y Silva and Echavarria, already mentioned. Bernardo
anything brought into the marriage and all property when the test had belonged to his wife by inheritance from her father, including the house where they lived, which was purchased with the proceeds of the sale of jewelry and her slaves (note). Joseph was already dead, in July 1830.
Children: 1 .- Francisco Javier del Pozo and Palacios, born and baptized in Rancagua, 9-III-1785 (note), the 27-V-1803 being already married, was appointed ensign of the militia of Rancagua (note) , cc your cousin Maria del Carmen Rivera Palacios, legitimate daughter of Ramon Riveros Guzman and Dolores Palacios Hurtado de Mendoza, both sold, Rancagua, 24-IX-1831, two hundred pesos, the site that Francisco Javier inherited from his mother in Rancagua (note). 2 .-
Maria Mercedes del Pozo and
Palacios, baptized 3 days, Rancagua, 4-VI-1786 (note), cc your cousin José Manuel Riveros Palacios

brother recently named Maria del Carmen, Jose Manuel empowered to test his wife and Ramon Errazuriz (note), who gave his will, Rancagua, 15-IX-1826 (note), cs (see Riveros
) 3 .- Diego Antonio, n. in Rancagua, based in Cauquenes, Josefa María Gaete Pinochet.Cs cc 4 .- María del Rosario, wave, four months and ten days, Rancagua, 2-III-1790 (note), lived in 1818. 5 .- Teresa Josefa de los Dolores, b. two days, Rancagua, 19-X-1790 (note), died before their parents, probably in childhood, ss 6 .- Carmen Doñihue neighbor, where, 10-IV-1832, gave power to sell or lease the site that she inherited from her parents in Rancagua (note), cc Manuel Cuevas Ladrón de Guevara (note) cs


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